Complaining about something*

Shop Girl est malade*

…my body has died.

I think I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I’m doing too much as my body is simply not letting me do it anymore. haha! Let me begin: for the past several weeks I’ve been especially busy. I’m still working, my essay season is in full force, and we just had our annual literacy conference this past Saturday, so there has been much planning/work involved in that. Not mention trying to balance time with the Hubster, friends and church responsibilities. January was a little busy to say the least.

The conference on Saturday was a HUGE success. We advertised SO much better than last year and had more than 130 people show up. The speakers were great, the food was good, we all pulled together as a team and it really paid off. I was proud to be part of this organization. :)

…however, about an hour after I got home that night I started feeling a little woozy. I was light-headed, my throat was sore and my nose was a little runny. “Bah, big deal” I thought, “this happens often enough”. So I took some NyQuil and hopped into bed expecting to be fine in the morning. I was not. I could hardly get out of bed on Sunday let alone do anything else. We stayed home and I shuffled back and forth between the bed and the couch and watched all my favourite musicals. That part was wonderful. The illness that ravaged my body, was not. Ugh.

So I stayed in bed all day, and only left the house on Monday to go write a test then came right back home for more resting. I slept in again this morning and I finally feel half decent today. I have this horribly disgusting man-beast-cough that attacks me periodically, but I think I’m getting better. I’m going to try going to all my classes tomorrow and see if I survive.

If I caught this from someone… we are no longer friends. Wash your hands and cover your mouth, dang it! haha

Shop Girl*

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