• Baby Boy

    Overdue: 40+2*

    Well, we are officially overdue! Our little peanut’s due date came and went on Monday, and while I felt lots of pressure the last few nights (and more cramping this morning), he still seems pretty cozy in my belly. Earlier this week I vented about all my fears heading into this labor, and I already feel better having just gotten them out and “down on paper”, so to speak. I had so many people reach out to me to tell me about their experiences or just to offer words of encouragement, and I am SO appreciative of all you said. I’m still trying to respond to all the messages and…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Due Date*

    Well, we actually made it. Based on the way I’ve been feeling over the last few weeks, I really didn’t think we’d get this far. My ultrasounds indicated that my due date could be off, and I was having all kinds of weird symptoms that made me wonder if I would have two children with birthdays in early February. And yet, here we are–February 24th, and for the past several days I’ve felt very little. Lots of movement on his part, but few BH contractions and very little cramping. Which, if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been totally okay with. I know I haven’t written in a few days, and…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Girls’ Night & Olivia Returns*

    We made it! When I finished work on January 31st, several of my coworkers joked that I would likely go into labor before the weekend was through. While I am perfectly happy to welcome our little peanut into our family whenever he chooses to arrive, I was secretly willing him to stay put until today. You see, today is the day that my favourite midwife returns from her month-long leave. When I first contacted her office after learning I was pregnant, I was notified of her scheduled leave. The administrators were a bit puzzled with what to do with me–I knew unequivocally that I wanted Olivia at the birth (if…

  • Baby Boy

    Another Day Down*

    Another day down and this wee babe is still cozy in my belly. Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant, according to my original due date. It’s looking more and more like he will be arriving closer to the 24th, which I am perfectly okay with. Olivia returns on Wednesday (yay!) and every day I am able to check a few more things off of our bebe to-do list. Our new room in the basement is so close to being finished. The floors are in, walls are painted and baseboards are up–we just need to finish the trim around the window, put up the crown molding and hang some type…

  • Le Bebe*,  Exciting News*

    Happy Birthday, Ruby*

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Ah, the day of love. When the wee-bean was born, the way we viewed this day was forever changed and it took on a whole new meaning. Today, our beautiful red-haired girl turned two. (cue waves of serious denial) I’m glad we decided to have her party last weekend, especially in light of the new “fun” pregnancy symptoms I’ve been experiencing all week. I enjoyed one day of relief yesterday where I felt normal for most of the day and I am so grateful for that. It was almost worth spending half the night on the bathroom floor alternating between waves of nausea and cramping. Fun! Anyway.…