• My thoughts*

    An Explanation*

    Last night I got less than 3 hours of sleep. For some stupid reason I woke up at 2am to use the washroom and was completely unable to fall asleep after that. I did absolutely everything I could to make myself tired– I read a novel, Fail Blog’ed, Facebooked, Twittered, walked around my apartment aimlessly and even applied for a job, but sleep would. not. come. I figured I would sleep after the Hubster left for work. Nope. I figured maybe I’d pass out after a good breakfast and a hot shower. Nope. It was 2pm before I finally managed to nap fitfully for an hour before waking again. *sigh*.…

  • Exciting News*

    A New Addition*

    (image found at: http://www.scottsdalecc.edu/green/images/The_Big_News.jpg) You know, it’s kinda funny. When I slipped in a tiny blurb about having something to announce into one of my Shop Girl Shares post 3 weeks ago, I wasn’t even sure anyone would even catch it. I mean, really, it was only a tiny 15-word sentence before presenting you with two fabulous blogs that I heart with much hearting. Needless to say, I was a tiny bit shocked by the reaction. haha! I received emails, messages on Facebook, etc, all wanting to know what my announcement would be; all assuming it would be one thing: I’m pregnant. I even wrote a post calling you out…

  • Exciting News*

    My Almost-Announcement*

    (image found at: http://poly.chromatic.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/the-internet-is-broken-folded-marge-black-folded.png) Let me tell you a story. Two nights ago a certain Shop Girl was exhausted after a long, grueling day at work and decided to abandon her beloved computer to watch TV with her Hubster on the couch. After one program ended she decided to quickly check her email before the next one started only to find her computer internet-less with a tiny little caution bubble in her task bar. Perplexed, she assumed that perhaps her Hubster, being the computer whiz that he is, was doing something computerish and was fiddling with the internet. She returned to the couch for another show. Twenty minutes later, the…