Ask Me Anything Answers*
**Have you voted in my poll yet? (—>) While BC is in the middle of an insane heat wave, it continues to rain over here in Ontario. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it rain this often, or this much. I’m trying to find things I enjoy about the rain, but even this is a little much for me. I did manage to get out for a run when the rain let up a little bit (thunder stopped and the rain wasn’t pelting down), and it was actually quite a refreshing run. I was soaked by the time I got back, but it was good to get out. I’m…
Weighing In & Wedding Planning*
Last week I told you all about my new fitness / weight loss challenge. I’m famous for making big plans and only sticking to them for a little while, so I thought I’d do something manageable and within my reach. Well, today is check-in day, and I am pleased to report that this week was a success! When I weighed myself last Tuesday I weighed 148.5lbs, and today I saw that lucky #7 and am down to 147.5! It feels so good to see some progress, as small as it may seem! I’m getting better at pushing myself out for a run every morning with the help of my super-secret…
Shop Girl Shares Crummy Church Signs & Canadian, Please*
Mondays are such lovely days for sharing, don’tcha think? I have two more fabulous things to show you today, so BE EXCITED. Like, really. The first has been a favourite website of mine for quite some time, and sadly, last week the author announced that he is discontinuing the site. *tear* So, I feel I must share the gloriousness that it is while it’s still there. Without any further ado… #1 – Crummy Church Signs (image found at: http://crummychurchsigns.blogspot.com/2008/12/shiver-me-timbers.html) This website is a collection of “Crummy Church Signs” submitted by readers from all over. You know the ones I’m talking about–they’ve been altered by some hooligan kids, the grammar or…
Random Ramblings*
I love old movies. We had a terrible rainstorm this afternoon so I curled up on the couch and began watching Scarlett, the sequel to Gone With the Wind. I often abhor sequels, especially ones that have different actors from the original film, but oh, I heart Scarlett. Mind you, Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh will eternally be Rhett and Scarlett, but Timothy Dalton & Joanne Whalley do a dang fine job in the sequel. There are just some stories that need something more after the last page… Pride & Prejudice, for example. And so I watch. And love. :) — I have a little secret. When I decided I…
Shop Girl Gets in Shape [Take: Two]*
Hi lovelies, Let me just begin by saying thank you for the absolute outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past 24 hours (re: last post). I had no idea so many people felt the same way I do, and it’s kinda nice to know that. :) Anyway, enough of the sap. I Fail Blog’ed after writing that and life was good again. haha! Yesterday I started running again, but this time I ran with a plan. I don’t know about you, but I always find it easy to work out when I am working towards something. Last year I wanted to be a hot bridesmaid for Peeah’s…