• Thoughtful Tuesdays*

    Good Apples*

    Words to remember for a while: Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they’re afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground, that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. That is why we just have to be a little patient and the right boy, the one who takes a chance to find the good, right apple, will come someday… :) Shop…

  • Complaining about something*,  Exciting News*,  Weight Tracker*

    Wits End*

    Time to vent. I am at a loss. I teach two afternoons a week at a local elementary school. I spend an hour of each afternoon with a group of grade 6’s, and a group of grade 3’s. My grade 6’s are great. A little rambunctious sometimes, but they listen to and respect me. My grade 3’s are a different story. If I can get through a PAGE of my lesson, then that’s a REALLY good day. I need help. If anyone out there in that great big world has any ideas/strategies for holding attention of kids who don’t want their attention held, PLEASE HELP ME. haha It’s so frustrating…

  • Complaining about something*

    Too Particular*

    So I’ve decided today that I am too particular. I’ve been rather ill the past few days with a head cold thing, and I really didn’t feel like cooking tonight so the Hubster offered to make dinner. So he made me some spaghetti– or rather, he tried to… I couldn’t help going into the kitchen to make sure everything was done (right) and stirred the sauce and noodles, drained the noodles, and served the meal. Basically, I took over. I don’t know how, but I’ve become that person. I’m so particular about how I like things that I couldn’t just sit back and let him cook. And it was spaghetti…

  • Complaining about something*

    Hit By A Truck*

    …well, figuratively speaking. Remember that cold I was complaining about a couple of days ago? Well, it attacked last night with full force and knocked the wind out of me. I felt fine all day, then when I got home my body died. I ached everywhere and my nose wouldn’t stop running. I had a horrible sleep last night because I woke up every 15 minutes because a) I had trouble breathing, or b) to blow my nose. It was faaaaantastic. I still felt rotten this morning so I stayed home, and thankfully my professor canceled my evening class so I didn’t have to trek to campus at all today.…