My thoughts*

Not in Florida*

Ugggggh….. snow. Snow snow snow. Most of Southern Ontario has been absolutely blanketed in a thick layer of sky vomit. It started a little bit last night, but came on in full force this morning. Unfortunately, my university (and many others) had planned to have their Open Houses for prospective students today. I had to go in to man a booth for my position at school, and of the 1000+ that had RSVP’d, about 100 showed up. Needless to say, it was a sloooooow day. haha! Thankfully we (the Hubster had to go in for his job as well) were finished by 1pm and made it home as they eventually pulled the buses off the road and closed the university, which they never do. And the snow just keeps on a comin’. I figure we’ve already received about 6 inches and will likely get a couple more. They’ve already canceled church tomorrow because of the weather forecasts, so that means that I’ll get TWO sleep-in days this week! Life is good. (minus the snow.)

Well, the bulk of my massive family is on their way down to the sunny south and as I stare out the window at the haze of swirling white dots that are falling from the sky I can’t help but be a little jealous. I was able to go down last year, but I just couldn’t manage it with my schedule this year. Right now Spart, Choppy and Peeah are probably in a hot tub on the resort and I’m here curled up in my jammies trying to block out the storm. *sigh*

Actually, in all honesty, I have always loved stormy nights when I don’t have to go anywhere. There’s just something cozy about sitting in the semi-dark in my jammies listening to music while watching the snow fall. Even though I’m not particularly fond of snow, even I can’t help but admit that it looks beautiful at night. I might even say I heart it. :)

Shop Girl*

P.s. I just found out that one of my friends is pregnant!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

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