• My thoughts*

    Small Acts Have a Big Impact*

    I am often in awe of how a small act can often have a large impact. Case in point: last week something happened that meant that world to me, and I want to record it for two reasons. First, I don’t want to forget it, or how I felt when it happened, and secondly, that I can be reminded of how it felt and pay it forward in the future. This past week we got to spend two glorious days with M’s mom. She flew in for a quick visit, and we cherished the time we had with her. There are two “must-do’s” every time she visits: shop at our…

  • Random

    10 Things You Might Not Know About Me*

    Do you remember those email surveys that used to go around back in the day? When I was in high school, before the days of social media, email and messenger services were the big thing. Anybody who was anybody had email addresses with amazing names (I was ironwoman_088 back when Hotmail was cool) and I used to love those huge chain survey emails that would come around. There were seriously like a million questions to answer and nowadays my mind is seriously boggled when I consider how much time I had to both read and fill out all these surveys… but I still filled them out every. single. time. And…

  • Goals*

    Running Again*

    So, I’ve been running a little bit again. I’ve been running as often as I can early in the morning before M leaves for work. It’s always dependent oh how much sleep I’ve had the night before (that’s code for: how much sleep P has given me). The last two weeks haven’t been great as P’s been up late and waking in the night, but putting him in with the big kids seems to be helping a bit. Last night he was asleep before 9 and slept straight through. For the first time in two weeks, I didn’t immediately shut off my running alarm and roll over, desperate for another…

  • Kids,  Hank the Tank*

    Proud Mama Moment*

    I need to have a bit of a proud mama moment. We’ve been gently preparing H for kindergarten for several months now. He starts JK in September, and has been very anxious about it. We did the Intro to Kindergarten night, brought him to as many school functions as we could, introduced him to S’s friends, and talk about how fun it will be. At the end of last year, S’s amazing teachers even let him come into the classroom with her at the end of every school day to see the room, her cubby, the tables, etc. He was very tentative about going in the class with her, but…

  • My thoughts*

    Making Changes*

    I haven’t really been feeling myself the last few weeks. I seem to go through these periods where I feel a bit adrift, and then know I need to make changes to anchor myself again. Does anyone else feel that way? No? Just me? Cool. For starters, I knew my eating habits were way out of control again. It’s almost painful for me to think about how well I was doing last February before my brother’s wedding compared to where I am now, just six months later. When I get in a cycle of eating poorly (eating excessive amounts of sugar) it triggers me to just want more sugar. I…