• Deep Thoughts*

    My Thinking Spot*

    I do my best thinking sitting at the top of the stairs. There are far better options nearby in terms of comfort or solitude, but there’s just something about this perch that has always called to me… in every house I’ve ever lived in. There was a landing two steps down at my childhood home in South Porcupine. It was the perfect nook to read or think if I wanted to escape the happy chaos of the living room below. At my Grandmother’s home in Timmins, it was the perfect spot to hear what was going on downstairs before joining the melee. As family came and went through the house,…

  • Kids

    Good Mornin’

    I think I did my Dad proud this morning. We have to have the kids up by 7am to get them ready on time for school. They know this. Most days they are up before us and are already having breakfast when we come down. Today, they were all still dragging their feet at 7:15 and didn’t want to get up. So, I decided to “help”. We have Google devices in every bedroom, mostly for use at night. I play a quiet “bedtime” playlist for the boys (this has helped settle them SO much), and S loves to listen to stories and books on hers before bed. Today I discovered…

  • Miscarriage

    I haven’t forgotten you.

    September 30th is a bit of a hard day for me. It’s the due date for the child I carried for 13 weeks. The child I miscarried at 13 weeks. The child I loved for 13 weeks… and every day since. Today, she would have been two… so, I baked a cake. It just felt right. We really only ever have cake on special occasions, and I know that the kids will be so excited to see it after dinner. They won’t know why we’re having cake, but I will. It’s for you. So, tonight we will have cake. I’ll listen to your siblings laugh around the table and think…

  • W*,  Parenting is hard sometimes.

    We had a long night.

    I mentioned that he had his four month check up on Friday, and with that came his next round of routine vaccinations. One of the vaccines he received was a second dose to protect against Rotavirus. The doctor warned me that he could experience a mild upset stomach and vomiting for a few days, but he didn’t react at all to his first dose so I wasn’t worried. On Friday night he spiked a low fever. This is pretty a common side effect to vaccinations– especially since he had had three in total that day. He was a little uncomfortable, so I gave him some baby Tylenol to help settle…

  • W*,  Living With Anxiety*

    Five Seconds*

    Do you remember the show “LOST”? I was so obsessed when it first started. Then it got weird and it “lost” me. (Ha) That being said, there was a scene in the first or second episode that has really stayed with me. Jack, one of the lead characters, explains to another character how he deals with the fear he sometimes faces as a surgeon. In those moments when the fear was big, he would let himself feel it for five seconds, then he’d let it go and move on. There’s a scene shortly after where another character applies this practice and it helps her get through something really difficult. I’ve…