Sleep Talk*

  • My thoughts*,  Sleep Talk*

    Strange Dreams*

    You guys, strange things are happening in my head at night. The Hubster and I have long joked that we have real-life personalities, and “dream personalities”. I sometimes have dreams about the Hubster were he does things that I don’t like. I used to wake up in the morning and get mad at him for things he did in my dream, and he didn’t like being held accountable for “Dream-Hubster’s” actions. (I know. We’re weird.) I have always had very vivid dreams that I often remember. They are usually funny and a little weird, and the Hubster usually just laughs and shakes his head at me when I explain my…

  • My thoughts*,  Sleep Talk*


    I’ve been having very vivid dreams lately. Dreams that feel so real I can still feel them and remember them long after I wake up. Dreams that are so vivid that I wake up feeling like I haven’t rested at all. While I was home last week, I had a dream that left me feeling uneasy for an entire day. I dreamt that after arriving at work I realized that I had forgotten something absolutely necessary at home. I looked at an enormous clock on the wall and saw that I have five minutes before the bell, so I decided to try and make it. I ran to my car,…

  • Sleep Talk*

    Sleep Burping?

    Oh, I almost forgot… last night I learned that the Hubster is not only a fantastic conversationalist in his sleep, but he burps too!!! hahaha About 3am last night I woke up and thought I heard someone close the door on our fridge. I was likely still half dreaming, but the idea of there being someone in our apartment was enough to jolt me wide awake. As I laid in bed watching my Hubs sleep, he lifted his head up, burped, and then immediately fell back asleep. After determining that he was definitely still sleeping, I almost died laughing (as quietly as possible) because really, who is talented enough to…

  • Sleep Talk*,  Weight Tracker*

    Sleep Talk* [146.0]

    Well, I’m down another half pound… and although I’m pretty positive it’s probably just natural weight fluctuation, it is encouraging to at least see the numbers declining, regardless of how slowly. The Hubster sometimes talks in his sleep… and I LOVE it. Most of the time it’s incoherent mumbling, but every so often I’ll be awake enough to catch a real gem!! One time he yelled out “I DON’T KNOW HOW IT WORKS!!!” and startled me, but once I realized he was still sleeping I fell in love all the more. haha! Last night was amazing… I woke up for a bathroom break sometime around 3:00am, and as I came…