Shoe Stuff*

  • Shoe Stuff*

    I Bought Shoes!!!

    My wee-bean is on her 3rd nap today. She slept for 2.5 hours this morning, 45 minutes at lunch, and she just went down again. So this is what it feels like to have a baby that naps. My kitchen is clean, the laundry is done, my errands are complete and now I can sit and write without feeling the least bit guilty. I like this. :) Yesterday I vowed to devote more time to my writing, and joked that a little therapeutic shoe shopping might help. When Ruby finally woke up this morning, I decided there was no time like the present, and went out and found two fabulous…

  • My thoughts*,  Shoe Stuff*,  I'm an Auntie*,  Thrifty Thursdays*

    Babies & Babbling*

    He’s here. :) After many long months of waiting, my perfect little nephew arrived this morning at 9:20am. He is a healthy 9 lbs 3 oz, and both the baby and Peeah are doing well. In fact, because she is super woman, she was back at home shortly after lunch.  I spoke with her this afternoon and she sounded so happy–tired, but happy. I haven’t met him yet, but I hear my little nephew has reddish blond hair and I’m positive I will absolutely melt when I hold him on Thursday. (…is it Thursday yet?) I hate that I’m not with my family right now, but as we were already…

  • Shoe Stuff*

    On Being Thrifty*

    One of my favourite parts of this whole blogging thing is I feel like I get to be a part of this super cool group of amazing women who inspire me in so many ways. I have long been an admirer of Kyla–she was one of my early features last fall when I was doing my Shop Girl Shares segments every Monday. One of the challenges she has taken on for herself this summer is to find six new summer dresses to add to her wardrobe. She’s found three so far, and the next three she wants to find in thrift stores. I’ve long been intrigued by the idea of…

  • Shoe Stuff*

    Shop Girl Goes Hunting*

    (via: I’m on the hunt. Some people hunt animals. Some people hunt for rare treasure. …I hunt for shoes. Every so often I find that a beloved pair from my collection is coming close to retirement. It could be from old age, it could be from wear, or it could be from… *gasp* falling out of style. I absolutely hate when this happens. I love my shoes. All of them. Sure, I play favourites, but all my shoes are family. There is seriously a lot of love here. It’s never fun when a shoe dies. But I also have a secret: I love hunting. You see, I’m really not…

  • Shoe Stuff*,  Daily Junk*

    An Explosion of Clothes*

    Holy mother of pearl. The Hubster and I got home from our Christmas vacation / traveling to see our families this afternoon, and since we walked in the door until now I have been cleaning non-stop. I haven’t even had time to read my lovely little Amish books. *sigh* Christmas was a little, well, bigger for us this year as the Hubster and I did a lot of shopping. As he is beginning to apply for full-time jobs in a few weeks, and I start teaching every day for 10 weeks in February, we both decided it was time to trade in our jeans for some professional wear. We went…