My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Gratitude*

    Puke Patrol With a Side of Gratitude*

    I was really tired last night. Trying to throw together a semi coherent blog post at 10pm was a challenge, and I went up and got ready for bed shortly after I posted it. My house was quiet as I got ready for bed, and at the last minute I decided to use our little dolly to wheel our nightstands back into the bedroom so it would really feel cozy again. Am I the only person that has trouble sleeping if I can’t see a clock immediately when I wake? I can suffer through with my phone if need be, but I really like to have a digital clock next…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  House Projects*

    The Last Night*

    We are finally getting close to the end of our bedroom reno. We’ve been cozy downstairs in our spare bedroom for the last two weeks, but it’s still not “our bed” so we haven’t been sleeping as well as we normally do. Instead of just my ninja roll out out of our bed, I now have to creep up the creaking basement stairs every time I have to go in with the kids or use the bathroom, and I think I wake M up a lot. (Sorry, love!) This morning he woke up super early and couldn’t get back to sleep, so when I got up at 6am for work…

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    It’s Hammer Time*

    I worked again today, back in the same classes I was in yesterday. I’ll be honest: for most of last night I was completely dreading it. It was long, challenging day and it was not my favourite. But when I woke up this morning I decided just to put on a brave face and get it over with… and I decided to take a new approach with my classes. When I walked in to my classroom this morning, I laid down the law. I usually try to be a laid back fun teacher, but it did not work with my classes yesterday. So, nice teacher went away and I decided…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  Teaching*

    Good Day / Bad Night*

    I had a really great day at work today. It was a bit of a rough start for me, as I had a bit of an awful night. I finally fell into bed around 11:30, and woke up an hour later and knew I was going to be sick. I made it up to the bathroom before it happened, but I hate throwing up. It’s so awful. I’ve always had a really sensitive stomach, and threw up all the time as a kid. I really don’t think I have any allergies or food sensitivities, I just have battled bouts of nausea off and on my entire life. It’s actually gotten…

  • Hank the Tank*,  My thoughts*

    It’s 10:30 and I’m not in Bed*

    Hello October. :) It’s been an insanely busy day. Monday has become the day where I shove a week’s worth of cleaning and chores into a few hours so it’s out of the way. Today was meal planning for the week and grocery shopping, then I cleaned the downstairs bathroom, vacuumed and washed the floors on my entire main floor, did laundry, washed all my cupboards and disinfected and cleaned every surface area in my living room. I just finished making lunches and cleaning the kitchen, and I just have backpacks to pack and one more bathroom to clean before I call it a night. I’m tired, but for just…