My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

    Watch out Martha…

    …’cause you ain’t got nothing on me! WOO. I’m officially domesticated. This weekend the Hubs and I had our Post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner and it was FAB-U-LOUS! It was our first “dinner party” together and a freaking loved it. I want to do it all the time–I’ve discovered that I love cooking! So, we invited about 15 people over to our little place and I think everyone had a great time! Dee came over early to help me cook, and together we prepared: Turkey & StuffingSlow Cooked Ham w/ brown sugar and pineappleSteamed BroccoliGreen beans & GarlicWhite TurnipsSweet Potatoes in a brown sugar sauceMashed PotatoesCarrots Ahhhhh it was so good. The…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    I Heart HOTT*

    Yesterday I went to my university’s biggest even for the first time since I transferred here (3 years ago). My school has an excellent rowing team and hosts a huge rowing competition every year and thousands of people turn out for it. It had never reeeeally appealed to me in past years as I didn’t really know a ton of people and the real reason why people go is to go get drunk in the huge beer gardens. However, I figured that as this is my last year (hopefully) I should at least go check it out… …and I freaking LOVED it. It was SUCH a good time! I went…

  • My thoughts*


    As much as I hate to admit it (as I fear that Doodle would get ENTIRELY too much satisfaction out of it…) I’m sort of in love with CBC. Doodle and I often get into discussions about what’s going on in the world, and I usually feel rather uneducated as he fills me in on what goes on outside Senior’s City. I didn’t start following the news until about 4 months ago, and I am now really enjoying it. I used to complain that I didn’t have time, but I put as my homepage and now look forward to it every morning. I love CBC as they cover a…

  • My thoughts*

    I Love My Hubs*

    I’m pretty sure that I married the best man in the entire world. I know other women might contest me on that, but I think I win. The Hubs and I spent the day together doing absolutely nothing in particular… and I am even more in love with him now than I was the day I married him, which I didn’t think was possible… because I had a whoooole lotta love for him then. haha! I just thought you should know. :) Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*

    Christmas Music*

    Well it’s official… I started listening to Christmas music tonight. Actually, I started playing Christmas music tonight. Whenever I’m troubled or upset about something I turn to music.. and tonight I just needed a little Christmas. Shop Girl*