My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  My Wedding*


    Tonight I feel a burning desire to share with you why I am married to the best man in the world. As I’ve been sick the past few days and he has been faithfully taking care of me (and shamelessly pampering me) I am just overwhelmed that this man chose me to be his eternal companion and I continue to fall deeper in love with him every day. Here are a few reasons why: 1. He loves me. Unconditionally. I can be a difficult person or a wee bit stubborn at times, but he is so patient with me and waits for me to work things out. 2. He pushes…

  • My thoughts*

    My Family*

    I have a funny family. If you know us, you’d probably agree. We’re a little loud and crazy, but we always have a good time. I started thinking today about how my little brothers have become increasingly tolerable and funny as they get older and that progressed to my analyzing the ways in which my family members are funny (I have a lot of time to think on the bus). I will share: Choppy, TEEP and Doodle Teep. In recent years (or months) Teep has become aware that there are other human beings in the world and is becoming more human himself. He communicates less with grunts and is beginning…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*,  Church Stories*

    This and That*

    I don’t have anything specific to write about tonight, I just realized that I hadn’t written in a week and decided it was time. So this will probably be a melange of my thoughts and things I’ve discovered recently. I’ve discovered a new artist that I absolutely LOVE. You need Adele. I can’t stop listening to her… her music, her voice, all of it– it’s amazing. Listen to “Chasing Pavements” and be converted. I’ve also been consumed by a series of books that I cannot put down. I love Gerald Lund, author of the Work and the Glory Series (which I have read twice), and was pleasantly surprised when I…

  • My thoughts*

    New Look*

    Well, I think I’m done playing around and have settled into my new holiday look for my blog. Do you like it? I’m quite satisfied–I learned how to use a new graphics program to make my new banner/logo thing, and I absolutely LOVE it. I also changed some font colours, and decided to change my picture. That photo is the very first picture the Hubs and I ever had taken together. It was right before we went to FERP (which is why we’re all dressed up) and I just love it. I’m having a hard time believing that that was almost 3 years ago… I really don’t know where the…

  • My thoughts*

    If you live in B.C., you will die.

    This is the conclusion that I have arrived at. If you’ve been reading at all in the past week or 2, I think you’d agree. Almost every time I load the news, there is a new headline about someone who has been shot (or died in some other way) somewhere in B.C. For example, today there is a story about a suspicious death in the Lower Mainlands, or the gang-style murder in Surrey that police have been investigating over recent weeks. So really, what other conclusion could I possibly come to? …exactly. None. I wonder what it is that makes people so crazy out there… there must be something…