My thoughts*

New Look*

Well, I think I’m done playing around and have settled into my new holiday look for my blog. Do you like it? I’m quite satisfied–I learned how to use a new graphics program to make my new banner/logo thing, and I absolutely LOVE it. I also changed some font colours, and decided to change my picture. That photo is the very first picture the Hubs and I ever had taken together. It was right before we went to FERP (which is why we’re all dressed up) and I just love it. I’m having a hard time believing that that was almost 3 years ago… I really don’t know where the time has gone.

Lastly, I reset my page counter. I used to have my blog on a website that attracted more visitors to my blog, but I assume most of them were just random people who probably didn’t even read what I had written. So, I took it off and reset my counter to see how many people are reading my blog now, as I likely will know 75% of them. Which is fun. I reset it late last night and already 15 people have logged on to visit me. Isn’t that exciting? :) Thank you for reading… it means a lot. xo

Shop Girl*

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