My thoughts*

  • Cool Stuff*,  My thoughts*,  Exciting News*

    Google Me*

    A little while ago I read a post by one of my favourite bloggers (Tia) that had to do with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the nifty little site trackers I use to monitor my website’s statistics (blah, blah, blah). Anyway. One of the things this site tracks are the keywords people use to find your site through search engines. So, I got to thinking–how do people find me? Having never really examined the list before her post, I scanned my Google keywords and discovered these little gems: “25 things about me love to doodle”I think it would be a wee bit more correct if that read “25…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Nap Time*

    (my futon is one of my favourite nap spots… the Hubster took this photo a while back. I like to picture-attack him when he naps so he thought he’d get me back. haha) I had all these aspirations to write this completely fabulous post today. …and then I had a nap. I love napping. Really. Sunday afternoon naps in the sun are my most favourite, but I’ll nap any day really. I don’t know if I am just totally bizarre, but as much as I love napping, I find it takes me a really long time to recover from them. Today the Hubster and I had a really early dinner…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Sharing the Love*

    (image found at: What’s mine is yours; what’s yours is mine. Everybody knows that little phrase, and it’s something I think about often (even though the Hubster sometimes teases me that I have my own spin on it–“what’s yours is mine, AND what’s mine is mine.” haha!). I like to share. So I share all my love with the Hubster… and apparently all my sickness as well. My poor love is all sniffly and snuffly as the sickness I am just beginning to recover from moved over to his side of the bed. He’s not as bad as I was, and I’m hoping he won’t get the worst of…

  • My thoughts*

    A Reflection on Reflecting about Reflection*

    Have you ever thought about what makes you, YOU? I mean, really thought about it? Even though I often mock my classes mercilessly and sometimes feel as though I haven’t learned anything (content wise) being in teacher’s college has not only helped me become very self-aware, but also to be more comfortable with who I am and what makes me, me. In Ontario, teacher’s college is allllll about reflecting. Reflect this, reflect that. Reflect here, reflect there. Reflect on what you ate for lunch, why you chose what you did, how it made you feel, and how it will impact you as an educator. As much I am sick of…

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    To Spank, or not to Spank?

    It’s finally here. After three years of complaining to you about writing essays, I am finally writing (procrastinating) my last essay of my academic career. Any essay I write in the future will be for additional qualification courses, which I won’t count. It’s almost bittersweet… I’ve so enjoyed my essay writing experiences… …riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I’ve written about everything under the sun. Some essays were really boring (John G. Diefenbaker), some were really easy (analyzing Walt Whitman’s poetry), some were really challenging (Critical and Ecological Literacy) and some were very emotionally taxing to write (female genital mutilation or Nazi medical research). I’ve written short essays and long essays (38 pages! I didn’t…