My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    Shop Girl: The Musical*

    This may sound a bit morbid, but I’ve been thinking a lot about funerals lately. A member of my extended family passed away last week and I’ll admit, it has dwelt on my thoughts quite a bit. I suppose I’ve been very fortunate in that I’ve had to attend only a few funerals in my lifetime. As the person who passed away last week had been very close with my family and actually married the Hubster and I five years ago, I really felt like we needed to be there. So, the Hubster and I braved traffic across the city to attend his memorial service. It was a beautiful, albeit…

  • My thoughts*

    The Mix Tape*

    So, I’ve been thinking. Volunteering in a high school means that I am around teenagers. A lot. I see them head bopping on the front steps with their boom boxes like it’s 1989 (no, really. I kid you not), loitering against lockers in herds so big you can barely walk past them, and I see them. You know, those dreamy-eyed, hand-holding, puppy-lovish teenage couples that stroll down the hallway– completely oblivious of the world around them. The ones who trace each others fingers on table tops, who dress to match each other and pass each other notes between periods because, like seriously, seventy minutes is like, way to long to…

  • My thoughts*

    A New Home*

    …surprise! I’m still a little new to this whole new wordpress thing, but I have to admit… I reeeeeeeally like it. I’ve been flip flopping back and forth for months about whether or not to make the switch and I finally decided to take the plunge. I flirted with it briefly last fall when I tried the whole password-protected blog bit (to hide from my students) but I was so concerned with the hiding part that I didn’t actually explore wordpress. I explored this weekend. My lovelies, I am converted. So, why the change you ask? Especially when my posting has been sporadic (at best) of late? *cringe* A while…

  • My thoughts*

    My Thoughts on Being Followed Home*

    (via: Holy toot. I have to be honest, I was wholly overwhelmed by the response to my last post… so much so that it’s taken me a few days to digest all that’s come my way since I wrote it eight days ago. I’ve received multiple emails and phone calls, and I’ve lost count of the number of messages I’ve received through facebook and my blog. People I never expected to read my blog briefly stepped out of the shadows to express concern over my being followed home last week. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind–I never expected such a… strong reaction to what I wrote. For me,…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*


    As a blogger, I usually love when someone “follows” me. In the real world? Not so much. On Wednesday I had an experience that unnerved me so much that I felt real fear for the first time in ages. I’m normally a very cautious person. I’m the kind of girl who always checks the back seat whenever I get into my car at night, who locks the door to my home when I’m by myself, and who looks both ways before crossing the street. I love, love, love criminal-ish TV shows and I take a lot of the tips and advice given for women in those shows to heart. (well,…