My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    Learning How to Say No*

    It’s one of the smallest words in the English language, and yet I struggle with it constantly. No. It’s so easy to write, but so difficult for me to say. I had a minor meltdown today. I was on the brink of tears, but the Hubster caught me just in time and sat me down for a talk. After a long discussion, I’ve realized that I can’t do everything and that I need to stop being afraid to say “no”. You see, I sort of have a full plate these days. During the week I spend most of my days at work, then come home to make dinner, clean up…

  • My thoughts*

    Simple Saturdays*

    Ahhh… Saturdays. There is just something lovely about having a Saturday at home. It started early–much earlier than I would have liked–but it was lovely nonetheless. The Hubster and I decided to have our Valentine’s date out today, as I know restaurants on Monday will be a zoo, and he has to work that night anyway. We’ll exchange our gifts on Monday, but wanted to go out today. We decided we to go out for sushi, and I knew right away where we had to go… That’s right. I went to Sushit & T Sushi T&T. (And don’t worry, we didn’t park at the rear.) Any apprehensions I had about…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Bedtime Blogging*

    Oh goodness. When on earth did life get so impossibly busy?? When I was in university, I had so much free time I didn’t know what to do with myself. Now that I’m an old lady grown up, time flies by faster than I can handle and my days always seem so full. It’s 10:06pm, and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve sat down today. Well… I wasn’t evaluated today. I was so sure that it was going to happen, and then it didn’t. It was a great day all the same–I had three grade 12 classes and they were all completely amazing. Great kids, great courses…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Just a bit small*

    In my family, whenever we’re sick, low in spirit or even just pensive, we say we’re feeling “small”. …I’m feeling a bit small tonight. I don’t know where it’s coming from–I haven’t had a terrible day by any stretch of the imagination. I got some things done around the house this morning and had an easy, easy afternoon at work. I did manage to completely gap on dinner and forget the put-the-food-in-the-slow-cooker portion of my planned slow-cooker meal, but c’est la vie. I just feel… unsettled. I know that part of it is stress–I think I’m being evaluated tomorrow. I was booked for my day tomorrow more than two weeks…

  • My thoughts*,  Tookie Tribe*

    Day 6: Still Alive*

    So, judging by my Facebook and Twitter feeds right now, I think I’m the only person I know who is not watching the Superbowl right now. (I’ve actually spent this evening catching up on the American Idol auditions which I bet are a lot more interesting than football.. haha) After a whirlwind weekend, we’re home again. Well, sort of. I’m home. The Hubster is off at a man-party celebrating this exciting football game that’s apparently on TV right now. And sadly, still no nephew. Peeah is very ready to have this child, but her actually due date isn’t until Tuesday. Her husband thinks she’ll have the baby through the night…