My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    The Drive to Succeed*

    Teenagers these days fascinate me. In some ways I feel like they already know so much more than I ever did at that age, but then at the same time I sometimes have to wonder if they are really prepared for life outside the four walls of a high school. One of the things I am constantly surprised by is their attitudes towards tests. Now, this certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, but I always find there is a certain group of students in every class that panic a little during tests. These are good kids who have either forgotten about the test, didn’t prepare as well as they should have,…

  • My thoughts*

    Random Thoughts*

    Today I did the dishes (all of them) and it felt like a major accomplishment. *sigh* Is this what my life has become? It feels like the same cycle over and over and over…. wake up. Get Ready. Go to work. Come home. Unwind for 5 minutes. Make Dinner. Work on course. Sleep. *sigh* I think I’m just ready for my course to be finished. I only have a few weeks left, and I’m struggling to keep up with the momentum it’s pushing forward. It doesn’t help that the move is consuming almost all of my thoughts (exciting!!!!!!!!), and that I’d much rather be packing, planning and shopping for the…

  • My thoughts*

    Three Weeks!!

    Three weeks from now we’ll be all moved into our new house! Actually, three weeks from now we’ll probably be passed out somewhere on the floor, utterly exhausted. …but it will be in our new house! haha It’s almost funny… it feels like it’s SO far away, but at the same time it’s so close it’s scary!  The move is always at the edge of our thoughts, and slowly but surely our cute little apartment is being packed into boxes. For the past several weeks our Saturday adventures have been to Canadian Tire and Home Depot as we plan the projects for our new house! The Hubster has bought a…

  • My thoughts*

    A Day at Home*

    Remember my super vent-y post last night about how tired and busy and stressed I was? I had a surprise day off today. It was magical. I honestly thought that today would be even worse than yesterday, especially when we woke up to a call from the Hubster’s work at 6:05am. He was on the phone back and forth for 20 minutes trying to get things organized, while I flew around the apartment getting our things together and trying to have the world’s fastest shower. I was trying to get ready so that I could drive him to work as I thought I’d need the car for my work. I…

  • Sleep Talk*,  My thoughts*


    I’ve been having very vivid dreams lately. Dreams that feel so real I can still feel them and remember them long after I wake up. Dreams that are so vivid that I wake up feeling like I haven’t rested at all. While I was home last week, I had a dream that left me feeling uneasy for an entire day. I dreamt that after arriving at work I realized that I had forgotten something absolutely necessary at home. I looked at an enormous clock on the wall and saw that I have five minutes before the bell, so I decided to try and make it. I ran to my car,…