House Projects*

  • House Projects*,  Random Junk*

    Tuesday Tidbits*

    I am so ready for summer holidays. Work is beginning to slow down a little bit, and my work calls are shifting from being booked the evening (or week) before, to calls the morning of. Today I even had the morning off, and it was magical. We are still busy as bees trying to tackle projects around the house. Today the Hubster and BC tackled the fan in my kitchen that had a family of birds living in it. Seriously. He couldn’t believe how massive the next was when he pulled it out–these birds must have been building it for years. The previous owners hadn’t bothered to put a vent…

  • House Projects*

    House Projects: The Backyard*

    Oh lovelies, I am so tired. I’ve been up since 5:45am, and my book and my bed are screaming my name. However, I promised to give you another house update this week, and I will not disappoint! A little while ago I told you all about our jungle backyard and shared with you The Story of the Sodcutter. We started out with this: And a close up of our beautiful “grass”… By the time that was all done and finished, I was pretty much ready to live happily with a backyard full of dirt. Seriously. However, the Hubster had different ideas… On Monday he called a local nursery and ordered…

  • House Projects*

    Our Quirky House*

    Hi lovelies, Thanks for all your kind words regarding my post last night. It’s something I’ve been carrying on my chest for a while and it just felt good to vent and be completely honest about the way I’ve been feeling. In general I think I feel a bit at odds with who I am right now. I’m turning 26 in less than a month, and it just feels… weird. Like I’m not actually old enough to be turning 26. Anyway. A little while ago I mentioned that the Hubster and I live in a “quirky” house, and several of you have wondered what that referred to. Here’s a little…

  • House Projects*

    12 Hour Errands*

    I am so sunburnt. Today the Hubster and I had the craziest day ever. We woke up early to rush out the door to help out with our church yard sale at 7:15 am. Part of youth organization is trying to raise money to purchase a defibrillator for our chapel. The Hubster was involved with the organization of the yard sale, so I decided to go to help out. We had the most perfect day for it… it was beautiful, sunny and warm. And obviously I forgot sunscreen. I have a magnificent t-shirt burn, complete with a neck collar and sleeves. It’s pretty hot, I’m not going to lie. After…

  • House Projects*

    The Story of the Sod Cutter*

    Seven days. I can’t believe it’s been an entire week since my last post. *bows head in shame* In my defense, things have been a little crazy around here. Being homeowners has been a series of adventures. And we all know that adventures make fabulous stories. Tonight, I have a marvelous story for you. It’s called The Story of the Sod Cutter. Once upon a time, a not-so newlywed couple moved into their very first home. They knew the house needed some tender love and care, but they were young and excited and decided they were up for the challenge. As the snows melted and spring crept out from beneath…