Exciting News*

  • Exciting News*

    My Almost-Announcement*

    (image found at: http://poly.chromatic.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/the-internet-is-broken-folded-marge-black-folded.png) Let me tell you a story. Two nights ago a certain Shop Girl was exhausted after a long, grueling day at work and decided to abandon her beloved computer to watch TV with her Hubster on the couch. After one program ended she decided to quickly check her email before the next one started only to find her computer internet-less with a tiny little caution bubble in her task bar. Perplexed, she assumed that perhaps her Hubster, being the computer whiz that he is, was doing something computerish and was fiddling with the internet. She returned to the couch for another show. Twenty minutes later, the…

  • My thoughts*,  Exciting News*

    An Announcement! Exciting!

    (image found at: http://rlv.zcache.com/are_you_pregnant_card-p137126423820108142tdtq_400.jpg) Oh, my lovely friends and readers… In my last post I shared two fabulous blogs that most of you somehow missed due to a tiny announcement I made that we had some exciting news to share later this week. It has been less than 24 hours since I made that announcement, and in that I time I have received multiple emails and facebook messages all asking the same thing: “…are you pregnant?!” “…ARE YOU HAVING A BABY?” “You’re pregnant. It HAS to be that.” I promise you, it doesn’t have to be that. We could be moving! I could be undergoing major surgery! I could have…

  • Exciting News*

    Shop Girl Gets a Job*

    (image found at: http://media.photobucket.com/image/shop%20girl/ashcanrantings/shopgirl.jpg) I got a job. :) After handing out more than 60 resumes and more than 3 long months of unemployment, today I finally found a little part time job right across the street from where I live. It’s not in my “field” and it’s not terribly glamorous, but it’s a job. That pays money. I like that. Thanks for all your congratulatory messages via Twitter (add me!!)– you guys are all amazing. I start next week and it should leave me enough time to beg a nearby principal for a teaching position volunteer at a high school and make some connections. At least it’s something–you’ve gotta…

  • Exciting News*

    Exciting News!!!

    Hi lovelies, I’m sorry I’ve abandoned you these past few days… it’s been a little crazy. I haven’t really slept in 2 days BUT I have some exciting news!! At 2:10 am last night, my sister Peeah gave birth to Princess Pea, a healthy, BEAUTIFUL baby girl, and I’m completely in love with her already. She’s absolutely perfect. :) P.s. I promise I’ll come back with details after I sleep. Sleep is good. :)

  • Weight Tracker*,  Exciting News*

    Chocolate Free Since Aug. 23*

    (image found at: http://www2.worthingtonlibraries.org/teen/blog/Image/icons/chocolate.jpg) …of 2008. That’s right lovelies–today I have been Chocolate-Free for an entire year. I’ll pause for a minute to let that sink in. *pause* Annnnnnd I’m back. haha! A year ago I decided that I needed to change my diet as I was running 3 – 5km every day but still wasn’t losing any weight. At the time Spart had also decided to forgo chocolate, so I decided to do it with her, thinking it might help. …the first week I stopped eating it I lost 3lbs. *hangs head in shame* I’m not sure how much I was eating back then, but it was a lot.…