Exciting News*

  • Exciting News*

    We Bought a House*

      In case you missed my little mention a few days back… WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!! :) The Hubster and I have been talking about buying our first home for nearly a year. We actually went out and saw a few houses last fall with a real estate agent, but we decided that it was better to wait a while and pay down some of our student debt. At the time, the houses we saw in the price range we wanted were total dumps, and there wasn’t really much that we were interested in. In January we began talking about it again, but it didn’t go beyond that. We looked…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    Marvelous March*

    I have always loved the month of March. Even though the temperatures are often still chilly, it brings the first signs of spring and signals the end of winter. I’ve also always loved the old folklore for March– if it comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb, and vice versa. I lovedwaiting to see how the month will begin, and I often find that that old saying proves true. March definitely blew in like a lion for me, and not just with regards to the weather. The past few days have been so busy I could barely stay on top of everything. Work has finally picked…

  • Exciting News*


    As I tip toe back into the world of blogging, I decided to do what any shameless blogger would do: I made a poll. (Riiiiiight over there in the sidebar. Yup. That one.) I’ve somehow managed to pump out a post longer than three lines for the last 12 days which (considering my recent record) is nothing short of amazing. For those of you who have been around for a while, is it too much? Am I annoying you yet? Vote! Vote! Vote! My post for today is actually more of an introduction. I want you to meet my lovely friend Stephanie at Sparrow and Owl. She is funny, creative…

  • Exciting News*

    Wanna Win Some Ugg Boots?

    I don’t know about you, but I kinda sorta love free stuff. Really. I kid you not. I don’t always have the best luck with competitions, but I always enter them because I find them kind of exciting and I figure that one day my luck’s gotta change, right? Right? Exactly. Wanna know what else I love? SHOES. I know that’s probably a bit of a surprise, but I thought I’d put it out there anyway. (riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.) I love shoes. One might even say that I heart them. So wanna know what I think is just TOTALLY awesome? Let’s do some math: Contest + free shoes = FABULOUS. Because I…

  • Exciting News*

    A New Addition*

    (image found at: http://www.scottsdalecc.edu/green/images/The_Big_News.jpg) You know, it’s kinda funny. When I slipped in a tiny blurb about having something to announce into one of my Shop Girl Shares post 3 weeks ago, I wasn’t even sure anyone would even catch it. I mean, really, it was only a tiny 15-word sentence before presenting you with two fabulous blogs that I heart with much hearting. Needless to say, I was a tiny bit shocked by the reaction. haha! I received emails, messages on Facebook, etc, all wanting to know what my announcement would be; all assuming it would be one thing: I’m pregnant. I even wrote a post calling you out…