Complaining about something*
My Body is Broken*
Why are we still changing clocks back and forth? I mean, really now. What is the point? My brain feels like it’s 10pm because it is. So if I go to sleep now, my body clock will wake me at my usual 6:30am, which in the new time will be 5:30am which I am just not okay with. So I’m here, trying to stay awake a little later so we’re not all up obnoxiously early tomorrow. Thankfully my kids have always somehow just done really well with time changes and it hasn’t been an issue… but of course since I just wrote that we’ll all be up at 4am. In…
I can’t stop eating*
I decided that I wasn’t done writing at the end of October after all. Even though I’m usually tired and feel like I’m sacrificing sleep, this has really become part of my day that I look forward to and I like the motivation of trying to complete something. So, I’m going to push on and try and write every day until Christmas. I’m a little nervous that things will get busy through the December rush, but I want to try. I’ve written more in the last two months than I have in years, and in a way it’s helping me feel more like “me” than I have in a long…
Please go to sleep so that I can read this book that I don’t want to read*
I’m really struggling with this month’s book club book. Our next get together is on Tuesday, and I’m not even a third of the way through yet. The worst part is that e actually read (and taught) this novel years ago… but as I don’t remember much I need to read it again. But I just can’t get into it. We’re reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I remember it took me a really, really long time to get into it last time as well, but as I also had to teach it to a class of grade 12 university bound students, I was a little more motivated to…
The post in which I “keep it real”
I was not my best self today. I can’t seem to beat this cold. I have this horrible tight cough that gets worse at night, and I’m so congested. I haven’t had my normal voice in so long that I’m actually beginning to forget what I normally sound like. This wheezy coughy donkey voice I’ve got going on is all I can remember. I’m approaching the two week mark of no real improvement, and I just don’t know when it’s time to get outside help. I don’t want to overreact to a cold, but I can’t remember the last time I was this sick for this long.. you know? I…
Live from the Bathroom Floor*
I wasn’t going to write today. I’m still rocking a man voice and really don’t feel well, and after a full day of errands, cleaning and mom-ing, I just didn’t have it in me once all my housework was done at 10pm. I was booked in to work a full day tomorrow and decided that rest was more important. So, I got ready for bed crawled in and stretched out. Then I heard the kids’ door open and H stumbled out, complaining that his tummy hurt again. So, this post is coming to you live from my bathroom floor, where I am currently camped out with my small sick boy.…