Complaining about something*

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Five Cents, Please*

    (image found at: “Would you like a bag for that?” This has become my new closing statement as I complete transactions in my store. Some people simply smile, and nod, grateful that we offer bags at all. Others shake their head and tell me they’d prefer to take a box. That’s awesome. Then there is the third group of people who inevitably respond to my question with, “Are you charging for bags?” “Yes. They are five cents.” They then look at me like I’ve broken into their bank and stolen all their retirement money, grumble about the high price and throw their money or credit cards down on the…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Dear Valued Customers*

    (image found at: If I haven’t already told you, I work in a little independent grocery(ish) store that is known for having fabulous deals on lots of big-name products. Even though it’s not in my field, most days I don’t mind it. However, these past few days my normally cheery exterior has been wearing thin as customers chipped away at it with their bad manners and poor etiquette. As I can’t complain about it at work, I thought I’d do it here… and how better to do so than a lovely drafted letter? Dear valued customers, Before I begin, please know that this letter is not directed at all…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Working Girl*

    (image found at: Oh lovelies, I haven’t forgotten you, I promise. So, I’ve started working. I actually have to leave for work again in 15 minutes but I wanted to write a quick something to let you know I haven’t abandoned you (and I’m discovering that post-work I’m pretty much useless as I’m so tired. haha). My new job is okay–it’s nothing to dance about–but I am grateful for any kind of work at this point. My job is much more physical than I ever anticipated, and I come home exhausted and sore every day. It’s definitely not a job for ‘delicate’ women, I’m having a tough time keeping…

  • Complaining about something*,  My thoughts*

    Using Cell Phones While Driving – Yay or Nay?

    (image found at: I really don’t write about serious issues very often. I’m more of a “see the world through rose-coloured glasses” kind of person, hence why I write about cute stories, romance, relationships and love. However, there are a few things that I am fiercely passionate (like shoes) that I like to share with you from time to time. Literacy is one of them (I’m an English teacher, so sue me.. haha). Driving with cell phones is another. A week or two ago the Hubs and I were out with Too Kool and due to some traffic we ended up driving along beside the same car for nearly 2…

  • Complaining about something*

    Dear Snobby Shoe Company* (aka: my HORRENDOUS Job Interview)

    **Update — see bottom of post Dear Snobby Shoe Company, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview with you on Wednesday. I was quite excited for the interview (it’s a shoe company… hello) and even spent some time reviewing potential interview questions so that I would be quite prepared. Having shopped at your stores before, I was familiar with the “style” of your employees and even attempted to dress in a similar manner. As I rode the bus to the interview I was feeling quite positive. If there’s anyone who knows shoes–it’s me. I have nearly 5 years experience working in the industry and every job I’ve ever…