• Sibling Memories*

    “L” is for Love.

    When I was 10, my sister and I got to go on a trip with my Aunt Della and Uncle Frank. We have always been very close with “Auntie” and “Unk”. They never had children of their own, and instead doted endlessly on their nieces and nephews. Auntie was hip and always current with music, Tv and trends, and Unk was always up for anything. They picked us up in Timmins, then we made the 10 hour drive to spend a week with them at their home in Thunder Bay. It was awesome. We watched a lot of Mr. Bean, ate as many pop tarts and Joe Louie’s as we…

  • Letters*

    Dear people that I don’t know all that well,

    I am so grateful to be able to have some interactions with the public again. We’ve been cooped up for so long, and we love going for walks or for an occasional trip to the store. That being said, I have a favor to ask, and I know it’s tricky because I think it’s engrained in our nature: Please don’t touch my baby. This makes me so uncomfortable to ask, but we are in the middle of a pandemic, and my beautiful son is only three months old. I know his hands and arms are deliciously rolly, but he often puts them in his mouth. When you touch his hands,…

  • Gratitude*,  Memories*

    Grammy P’s Kitchen*

    My grandmother’s kitchen was one of my favorite places on earth. At times it was bustling and busy as everyone worked together to make a meal for our big extended family. …but often it was quiet and peaceful. She would sit in her chair and invite you to join her so that she could hear everything that was going on with you. She would have her toast or tea and laugh and talk before sending you up the hill to the corner store to get a treat (and a Bounty Bar for her). We were never allowed to pay, it always went on “the bill” at the store. Even when…

  • Deep Thoughts*

    Deep Thoughts.

    I was in a deep funk for most of yesterday… and I’m going to try and explain why in a long and maybe rambling post. W had been up often the night before and wouldn’t nap, so it didn’t begin well, and then I spent much of the day wrestling with some difficult feelings. I’ve been brooding about an experience recently where I felt like my feelings on something were… diminished. I’ll own the fact that I was perhaps not vocal or direct enough about how I felt, and I made assumptions based on my ideals of mutual respect. I was wrong. I ended up in a situation that was…

  • Running*,  Miscarriage,  Letters*

    Dear Body,

    I was cursing you a little bit this morning. As I began a slow jog in my neighborhood, I felt an old familiar pain creep into my hip. Frustrated that that pain had the audacity to come back after taking a week off and stretching like mad, I just kept going. I want so badly to be able to do this again, so I ignored the signs you giving me to tell me to slow down. My head keeps reminding me that I was easily running 7km this time last year. I was so proud of that accomplishment. …but I am not the same person I was last summer. This…