• Parenting is hard sometimes.,  Keeping It Real

    I was not a great mom today.

    I was up most of the night with W, and spent most of my day here, holding a fussy baby who would not nap for more than 30 minutes at a time. I was beyond exhausted, and I swear the big kids were operating at their loudest levels possible in every game they played today. The bickering felt never ending and if W wasn’t crying, someone else definitely was. (Myself included.) The kids had a lot of screen time today. Pretty sure they ate a lot of sugar too. And I definitely yelled a lot more than I like to. By 7:30pm I was just… done. I put them all…

  • Memories*

    Grammy’s Pearls*

    I’m trying to get our bedroom cleaned and organized now that W has fully moved into his own room. As I was cleaning out a drawer, I found these: my grandmother’s pearls, earrings and watch. It was almost like a little time capsule… as I opened it I could immediately smell her perfume and for one second I was transported back to my childhood. That familiar scent made me feel like I was sitting on the floor of her bedroom, watching her get ready. I’m so grateful to have these… these mean more to me than diamonds or jewels. Like Anne of Green Gables, I’m content with my string of…

  • H*,  Kids,  Small Town Stories

    Squished Potatoes*

    Our kids have become really good friends with two boys across the street. Honestly, it’s everything I was hoping for when we moved. They get along really well, and they love playing together. It’s a constant back and forth of our kids heading across the street to see if “the boys” are available, or “the boys” knocking on our door and peeking in our front windows to see if our kids can come play. It reminds me SO much of my childhood up north and I am so here for it. My best friends and I were always back and forth all day long in the summers– and we’d appear…

  • Letters*,  P*

    Extra Happy Meal*

    To the kind men in the Roofing Truck who just paid for our lunch: Thank you. A million times over. I saw you smile at my Vanimal full of children as I waved you ahead in the lineup, but I never expected this. It’s P’s birthday today and this Happy Meal was his special treat. Well, you just made three kids (and one slightly over tired Mama) feel *extra* special. I will pay this forward– just you wait. Thanks for spreading kindness in the world… you just made our day. Love, The Mom in the van with all the kids. P.s. Have I mentioned how much I love where we…

  • Kids,  S*

    Letter to the Tooth Fairy*

    The Tooth Fairy came last night!! When she went to take S’s tooth, she found a note (which may have made her heart melt a little). So, she wrote one back. Miss S was absolutely over the moon with excitement when she ran into our room this morning to show us… …at 6am. The Tooth Fairy lives on for another day.