My Secret Interview*
I have a little bit of news.
I didn’t tell you, but I had a secret interview today. Last week a position opened at the school I taught at (and loved) last year. I tossed in an application and hoped for the best. I don’t know why I kept it a secret, but after two unsuccessful interviews, I was getting a bit tired of having to write about my woes.
On Friday, the principal called and asked me to come in for an interview, which was today. It’s a 0.5 position (afternoons only) teaching English and Geography. Even though I have never taught Geography, I really, really wanted this. I love the staff and school, I love that it’s part time, and the timing is perfect. It ends three weeks before baby #2 is due.
But, I wasn’t holding my breath. After two interviews with no results, I had low expectations, especially since one of the courses isn’t one of my teachable subjects. I spent some time prepping, then drove to the school today.
It felt lovely just to walk through the hallways again, and I popped into my old department office to say hello before making my way to the interview. I arrived early, so I was ushered into a conference room and given the questions I would be asked. I prepared / rehearsed for fifteen minutes, then the interview began.
The principal and vice principal seemed pleased to see me again, and I felt that the interview went well. As the school year has already started and they are looking for someone to fill the position immediately, the principal told me she hoped to let the successful candidate know later this afternoon.
I left feeling hopeful, but still wasn’t convinced about a positive result.
Shortly after 3pm, my phone rang. When I answered and heard my principal’s voice, I was expecting to hear another “I’m sorry, but…”
That wasn’t what I heard. :)
Not only do I have a job, but I am back at the same school and I am SO happy. I don’t even know how to put it into words. I will still have mornings with Ruby, and then I will teach part time. Both of my courses will be small, so the workload compared to last year should be much different.
Happy, happy, happy!
So, you know, I guess those other two jobs just weren’t for me. I’m so glad… this was worth the wait. :)

Miss Gentle Nudge*
Yay!!!!!! Congrats! Thats is so exciting!!
yay! congrats!
It’s so wonderful when things work out better than we could have planned for ourselves. Congratulations!
Aww, great news!! So happy to hear it!
Stephanie "Mama" Hayes
It was meant to be! Congratulations!