• My thoughts*

    After the Storm*

    So, my last post was a bit of a doozy. When I sat down and started writing, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to say. My emotions and thoughts just poured out, and when I reached the end and reread what I had written, I almost deleted it all. But I’m really glad that I posted it. I’ve had a number of people contact me and tell me that they’ve been feeling / have felt the same way, and it’s been wonderful hearing some of their experiences. For me, writing is very cathartic. It’s usually how I deal with those big things that are bothering me, and then I’m…

  • Random

    Time Out For Me*

    I’ve been thinking about something quite a bit over the last few weeks. I’ve had a really hard time trying to put it into words, so bear with me as I try again now. This year didn’t start off particularly well for me. I had my car accident, Ruby was sick forever, and I finally got another interview at the school I had given my heart to for two years… and then I didn’t get the job. I felt… lost. After enduring a particularly difficult month of January, I accepted that 2013 just wasn’t going to be my year. I could feel that there was something about this year that…

  • My thoughts*

    Secret Chef*

    If you know me in real life, or follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that I’ve become “that” person who reposts all the amazing recipes I see floating around on the interwebs. Sometime in the last year or two I’ve discovered a real love for cooking. When the Hubster and I first got married, my abilities in the kitchen were… limited. I was barely 20 and survived my first year of university by eating pasta and rice. Our financial situation improved somewhat once we added our combined OSAP and his savings into the mix, so I found we actually had money to buy groceries. Which was lovely… except that I…

  • Baby Boy

    It’s A…

    Well, the Hubster and I had our ultrasound today! I was feeling a little anxious before we went in–drinking all that water always makes me feel a little queasy, and I was nervous that we’d end up with a technician who wouldn’t tell us the gender of the baby. Luckily, I waited a little later to start drinking so I wasn’t dying when the ultrasound started, and the technician was lovely. She even turned the screen so I could see everything she was doing for the entire appointment. It’s so thrilling to finally see this little person that you’ve felt dancing inside you. As far as we know everything looks…

  • Le Bebe*

    Pink or Blue?

    Tomorrow! By this time tomorrow I will (hopefully) know what sex this little peanut is! I wish I could say that I was feeling one way or the other, but the truth is: I have absolutely no clue. I haven’t even had a chance to see my good friend who swears up and down by her “ring test”. Basically you are supposed to attach a gold ring to a long string, then lay down on the floor. Someone else will stand over you and hold the string over your belly. If the ring sways back and forth it’s supposed to be a boy; if it goes in a circle, it’s…