• Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    Alive and Well*

    Hi. Remember me? I used to be that person that blogged every day. Or almost every day. And then… life happened. Lots and lots of life. Oh sweet mother… where do I even begin? Last week was insanely busy. It was my very last week at the university and it was full of madly trying to complete my portfolio, attending (useless) workshops, and going out with my lovely teacher friends for farewell dinners and outings. One night I even stayed out to 1am. For an old married hag like me that was CRAAZY. haha And then last Tuesday the Hubs had an interview with a big company near The City.…

  • My thoughts*

    My Top Ten Irrational Fears*

    Do you ever think about about the absolutely ridiculous things you are afraid of? I’m talking about those completely irrational fears that you are a bit embarrassed about and that have no real basis in anything but that you are secretly afraid of anyway? Iiiiiiii have a couple that I usually keep secret from everyone but the Hubs, but I decided it’s time for Confessions of Shop Girl*. Shop Girl’s Top Ten Irrational Fears* 1. Leaving my hair straightener on. I actually think I might have a touch of OCD sometimes. Whenever I leave the house I am always afraid that I’ve left my straightener on an am thus going…

  • Teaching*


    Soo… I’ve been a little absent from my blog this week. It’s been a little hectic. Okay. It’s been a lot hectic. First things first: I started teaching the grade 12’s. It was a huuuge jump from Grade 7 where I could say anything and sound smart. In Grade 12 I actually have to know what I’m talking about. Kinda. (it’s a grade 12 university course, so they actually know some stuff. ha) I’m in the middle of a Hamlet unit which has been a huuuuge struggle for me. Even though I am an English major, I haaaaaate Shakespeare. I can appreciate it, but I don’t like it. Nope. So…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Personal Space Invasions*

    This year I got the best Easter present ever. It certainly wasn’t your traditional solid milk chocolate bunny that I am trying to convince myself I am not missing terribly, nor was it really tangible in any form. This year my gift was an introduction to my new favourite thing: Howie Do It. I’m not sure how I ever lived a complete and full life before Howie Mandel and Vic Cohen, but oh, oh, OH my friends, life is so good now. I have not laughed as hard as I did this afternoon in… well, at least a day. haha! (I like to laugh, so sue me… haha) There are…

  • Daily Junk*,  My thoughts*

    Easter Update*

    I love Easter. It’s one of my favourite holidays, and although I thought it might not be as exciting without chocolate this year, rice krispie squares made for an excellent replacement AND this is the first year since beginning university that I’ve been able to enjoy the entire 4-day weekend. I have decided that I love 4-day weekends. More please. Th Hubster and I hadn’t really planned on doing much this weekend (I expected a repeat of Easter Nachos) but at the last minute we decided on a quick trip to visit his family for a day. We had a glorious relaxing day… we slept in a bit (I slept…