• Complaining about something*


    This has not been a good week. I have a never-ending saga to relate to you tomorrow when I see whether or not everything works out. Without giving any details yet, a word to the wise: never ever ever attend more than one post-secondary institution. If you do, get ready for looooots of stress. I’m still attempting to complete my essay, so I’ll have to share my saga with you tomorrow. Be prepared for some serious venting. :) I hope your week has been less stressful than mine… Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    To Spank, or not to Spank?

    It’s finally here. After three years of complaining to you about writing essays, I am finally writing (procrastinating) my last essay of my academic career. Any essay I write in the future will be for additional qualification courses, which I won’t count. It’s almost bittersweet… I’ve so enjoyed my essay writing experiences… …riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I’ve written about everything under the sun. Some essays were really boring (John G. Diefenbaker), some were really easy (analyzing Walt Whitman’s poetry), some were really challenging (Critical and Ecological Literacy) and some were very emotionally taxing to write (female genital mutilation or Nazi medical research). I’ve written short essays and long essays (38 pages! I didn’t…

  • Cool Stuff*


    I have a confession… This past weekend I reconnected with my inner-14-year-old and have been listening to obscene amounts of 90’s music. haha! Reach back in your mind to a time when helicopter hair and MC Hammer pants were cool (yes, I had a pair and wore them to school). Back when JTT was the hottest thing on the face of the earth (and if you try and tell me your room wasn’t plastered with posters… I’ll know you are lying). Let’s be honest–no one worked a mushroom cut like Jonathan Taylor Thomas. *swoon* Back when the “Boy Band” ruled the charts and music videos were terribly wonderfully cheesy. **Sidenote:…

  • My thoughts*

    I’m Not Picky, I’m Particular*

    I had originally planned to write out the last chapter of Our Story* tonight and tell you all about the day I married the Hubster. However I have spent the entire afternoon reading and preparing an IEP for an assignment amidst other assignments and things I have due and I didn’t have the time I wanted to devote to this entry. So, I’m sorry, but I am going to have to postpone Chapter 13 until Tuesday. So–look for it then!! Whenever I have piles of homework to do I alllllllways get really hungry. I know it’s just a procrastination technique, but homework = starving Shop Girl*. So, as I stared…

  • SMRT*

    The BOMB Story*

    The Hubster and I were taking the bus together somewhere last week when we heard a ticking sound… sort of like the sound you hear when you turn on your signals in a car. As we listened to the tick-tick-tick-tick of the mysterious bus sound, we were reminded of the time we heard a bomb in our apartment. One night, many moons ago, the Hubster and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home. I was busy doing homework (Facebook) while the Hubster worked hard on a project (Team Fortress 2). I had some music on as I often do, but as I listened I realized that the beat was…