Daily Junk*,  Church Stories*,  My thoughts*

This and That*

I don’t have anything specific to write about tonight, I just realized that I hadn’t written in a week and decided it was time. So this will probably be a melange of my thoughts and things I’ve discovered recently.

I’ve discovered a new artist that I absolutely LOVE. You need Adele. I can’t stop listening to her… her music, her voice, all of it– it’s amazing. Listen to “Chasing Pavements” and be converted.

I’ve also been consumed by a series of books that I cannot put down. I love Gerald Lund, author of the Work and the Glory Series (which I have read twice), and was pleasantly surprised when I began reading his second series, The Kingdom and the Crown. There are 3 books in the series, and I have read the first 2 and half of the 3rd in 3 weeks. haha! It’s horrible for my academic life, but has done wonders for me. I cannot WAIT to be able to read what I want and not feel bad about it. THREE months people. THREE.

I’m also in the middle of planning FC’s literacy conference for 2008. After seeing how it ran last year, it’s much, much easier this year. We’re even having somewhat of a mini-celebrity come to speak… Lois Burdett, author of the Shakespeare Can Be Fun series for kids is coming. So I think that’s pretty cool. So if you’re around my area on Feb. 2nd, you should come. It’s usually a pretty good day.

As for my life in general, I haven’t started working for the board yet. I was supposed to start last week, but the principal of my school (I’m at the same place I was last year) is an insanely busy woman and we’re still trying to figure out logistics. I’m pretty excited to get started as things are running a little differently this year. While last year I was independently teaching a group of 5-6 students, this year I’ll actually be IN the classroom with a teacher and will be working along with them. It’s great because it will give me even more experience pre-teacher’s college and I’ll get to know the feel of being in a classroom setting. It’s basically paid student teaching. And it’s basically awesome. haha

Last night I went out to celebrate Dee’s birthday. She had a bunch of people at her house and I decided to go for a little while before everyone went out to the bar. It was fun, but at the same time it really made me realize how much I’ve changed since my first year of university. I almost wish I had started blogging then so I could actually go back and look myself, but I actually felt kind of awkward at a party. It had been so long since I had gone to anything like that that I got really shy until another good friend of mine came and I basically hugged a wall and chatted with him and one other person until I went home. When I was living on my own 3 years ago I LIVED for that stuff. I was out every weekend and used to talk to anyone and everyone. Last night I was shy… I didn’t know very many people. It was weird. Anyway, I’ve decided that I’ve definitely shifted from a party girl to a movie + popcorn night kind of girl. Unless I’m in Timmins with Material Girl* and Aammmmmmiieee. Then I’ll go out. But only because I love her and I promised that one day I’ll dance in the cages. hahahha

Anyway, I’ve been away from my book for almost and hour now and I’m going through withdrawal symptoms. haha! Oh, one more thing… for all my LDS friends, what are your thoughts about clipping your fingernails during sacrament meeting? Yep, she did it again. And it was nastier than ever. At least 20 people turned around to look at her and she made no notice of it. What do I do? I don’t want to vomit in the chapel but it’s coming close to that. haha

Shop Girl*

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