• Exciting News*

    2000 Visitors!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, so I have nothing particularly significant to write at this precise moment in time… except for the fact that my little blog has been visited by exactly 2000 unique visitors at this very minute!!! How freaking amazing is that? Just thought I’d share my excitement with you… thank you for reading. It really means a lot to me. :) Shop Girl*

  • Goals*


    Hello, my name is Shop Girl* and I’m addicted to Facebook. So, I think that Facebook is pretty much taking over my life and I need another break. I stayed off it for a full week a while back, and I think I need to cut back again. It sounds so sad.. but it’s true. They’ve just added all these new fangled applications that are so fun but so time consuming and now I think we need a break. So, starting tomorrow, I am only allowed to check it ONCE a day. I think I’ll check it in the evenings, but only once. And not for a long period of…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    I Love Anne*

    My Hubs, being the most wonderful hubs in the world that he is, bought me the Anne of Green Gables DVD box set! And yesterday, it came in the mail! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (*does a super happy dance*) I’ve been watching them all night. I swear I could watch these movies a hundred million times and never ever ever be sick of them. I just finished the first film and I was bawling for 15 minutes after Matthew dies… it still gets me every time. Ah. I have the best husband in the world. He bought me Anne for my birthday!! (it’s not for another 2 weeks) I had a good, but…

  • Crazy City Stories*,  Goals*

    10km Later…*

    Well, I did it. After biking to the university last weekend with the hubster (and needing to stop on several occasions to rest or walk up hills) I made a goal to bike to the school without stopping. And today we did it! Because it is such a beautiful day out, after church the hubs and I realized that we simply could not sit inside any longer and decided to go for a nice bike ride. I wanted to try biking to the school again, so he took me on a flatter, albeit longer route, and after 10km and 44 minutes, I made it without dying or stopping once! It…

  • Goals*

    My List*

    I have goals. In fact, I’ve even been keeping a secret list of these goals. I’ve also decided that I don’t want to keep it secret anymore. I started the list a couple of years ago, and I periodically update it and add new things, so it’s a work in progress. There are a number of things in life that I’d like to accomplish, so I figured that there is no better place to keep them than in a journal/blog. So, here they are. 1. Be married in the temple. [DONE!! I was married in the Toronto, Ontario Temple on August 20th, 2005]2. Become famous for something.3. Sing the national…