• Daily Junk*

    One Down, Four to Go*

    Well, it’s official. Exam season has begun. I wrote my first one this morning and I think it went really well. Mind you, it was only worth 10% so it wasn’t anything strenuous. haha… but it does feel nice to know that I have at least one out of the way. I’m really not looking forward to Tuesday because I have 2 in one day. Gross, eh? I write my worst exam (a class I’m quite possibly failing) and my best exam on that day. So, it kind of evens out. The weather has been really gross the past couple of days… it’s been SNOWING. I woke up yesterday to…

  • Quotes*

    Something to Think About*

    While studying for my exam tomorrow morning I came across a quote that I really liked but somehow never noticed when reading through it for class. It’s from Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery: “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” Shop Girl*

  • Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*

    Toilet Talk*

    I’d almost forgotten how appreciative I am of what plumbers do. I don’t know if I’ve ever written about my toilet saga… it’s really an exciting story though, and it looks like it’s going to have a REALLY happy ending!! The Hubster and I have pretty much had problems in our bathroom since we moved into our apartment. As you know, we recently had the faucet replaced to our shiny new one that I love! But that was only after we endured a tap that never shut off and a broken one for a little while when our landlord attempted to fix it. Anyway. So, the toilet. It’s been giving…

  • Exciting News*,  Daily Junk*

    Happy Easter*

    **I PASSED 1000 VISITORS AND I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE!!! Okay, that’s SO exciting. I set my counter to count only unique visitors to my blog, so that means that there has been 1000 different people visiting me. THANK YOU. I love that you’ve come to visit me. Ahhh… I’ve sucked at writing the past week. I’m sorry!! I was quite sick for a few days there–complete with a man voice–but I’m much better now. My March cold has subsided now that we are well into April. And thank goodness for that. The Husbter and I just got home from spending the weekend with his parents, and it was a nice,…

  • Things to Know*

    Looking for New Blogs*

    So… I’ve decided I’d like to expand my blog circle. I have a couple of absolutely wonderful blogs that I read, but I’d like to find some more. Blogging hasn’t really caught on with my circle of friends just yet, or at least they aren’t letting me know about it! So, to my 951 unique visitors (I’m almost at 1000!!! How exciting!!!) I’d like to read about you. Please leave me a link to your blog and I’ll come check it out! I’m really a great reader.. and I even leave comments. WOO! :) Shop Girl*