• Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    Hair Rules*

    I cut my hair today. I have long very thick not quite curly but not quite straight hair that often drives me nuts, but for the past couple of years I somehow became a bi-annual hair chopper. I had it in my head that if it wasn’t six months since my previous hair cut, I didn’t need a new one. Hah. I cut my hair in early December at a salon I know (and trust) in Btown. I went in with the idea that I needed to cut off a couple of inches to lighten the weight and I wanted trim my bangs. Pretty simple, no? I got in there,…

  • Daily Junk*


    What a week. I cannot ever remember a time when I have felt this exhausted… (mind you, I bet if I looked back on my blog to the ol‘ essay & exam seasons I’d probably find one… haha!). I am actually in bed writing so that I can sleep the second after “publish post” has been clicked. Tonight I am writing to you from my parent’s home in B-Town–I decided to take a last minute trip home to visit Mom & Big Dad / get some pants hemmed (Mom has a “guy” who does alterations for really cheap). I needed seven pairs hemmed so that I can stop wearing the…