
  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    Work, School and a side of Volunteering*

    (image found at: http://geekandpoke.typepad.com/geekandpoke/images/2008/04/12/busytimes.jpg) My life has changed quite a bit these past few weeks. I went from being an unemployed blogger who sat at home all day to a busy little bee (who sometimes thinks I may have taken on too much) in a matter of days. Sadly, I know it’s affected my writing a little bit, and it’s definitely affected my reading / commenting which hurts my heart. I have to do it all in blocks now which is SO much less fun. This is the new me in a nutshell: The Job I’m happy to say that in many ways my job has really improved. My coworkers…

  • Teaching*


    Soo… I’ve been a little absent from my blog this week. It’s been a little hectic. Okay. It’s been a lot hectic. First things first: I started teaching the grade 12’s. It was a huuuge jump from Grade 7 where I could say anything and sound smart. In Grade 12 I actually have to know what I’m talking about. Kinda. (it’s a grade 12 university course, so they actually know some stuff. ha) I’m in the middle of a Hamlet unit which has been a huuuuge struggle for me. Even though I am an English major, I haaaaaate Shakespeare. I can appreciate it, but I don’t like it. Nope. So…

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    I’ve Been Googled*

    Yesterday I learned that of my biggest fears about teaching finally happened: I’ve been Googled. I underestimated my apparently internet-savvy class who, I assume, were bored over the weekend and decided to Google their favourite student teacher. Thankfully I am a wholesome young lady and there are no clandestine photos of yours truly all over the internet. However, they DID find something. As I popped in to chat with my former AT over lunch a student came running in the room nearly breathless with excitement to see that I was there. Student: “Mrs. Shop Girl! I saw your video!” (Confusion settles over me) Me: “Pardon me? What video?” Student: “Your…

  • Teaching*

    Glorious Grade 7*

    I did it. I made it through 8 weeks of teaching grade 7… and I can’t believe it’s over. I just reread some of the posts I wrote in February when I was just starting out, and while the exhaustion is still there, somehow over the past few weeks they completely won me over and I loved my class. Thursday was my last day with my little grade 7’s, and they were so sweet. They were well-behaved and on task all morning. We spent spent a period in the computer lab trying to finish up a podcast assignment we have been working on, and as they finished they were to…

  • Teaching*

    It Finally Happened…

    I haven’t been very good at blogging this week. BUT, I have a very, very legitimate excuse… Eclipse and Breaking Dawn arrived, and I have been bonding with Edward all week. *swoon* I know, I know, life’s all about balance, right? But commmmmme on, how can I possibly lesson plan, read ahead for school, make a portfolio or blog when Edward is waiting for me?? :) I am almost done book 3, and can safely say that it is SO much better than New Moon. I won’t give anything away, but glorious doesn’t even describe how delightfully frivolous and wonderful this book is. Aside from my new Edward obsession… life…