Random Junk*
Good Book Suggestions?
Well, the Hubster and I have been living in Shop City (it’s a working name.. we’ll see if it sticks) for one full week now, and today we are going to make it official. Screw changing our licenses, health cards or all that (important) stuff… …we are going to go get library cards. I always feel like you really live in a city when you get a library card and take out your first book with said shiny new plastic rectangular piece. So, here is where I need your help. I have been up to my elbows in books about the Amish for the past 4 months (SUCH an interesting…
So, I Think I Can Dance*
Ok. Just quick post as the Hubs and I are off to watch a movie, but I’m trying to get back into this whole posting every day thing because, well, I love you. And I’m tired of your harassment that I’m not posting enough. haha! I kid, I kid. So, I know not everyone out there loves it, but can I just say how excited I am that So You Think You Can Dance is back?!? AH! I am one of those girls who alllllways wanted to be a dancer but ended up in hockey instead. (Actually, it was ringette… but hockey is less complicated to explain. haha) I watch…
The Death of The Hairbrush*
I am frustrated. There are certain things in life I feel you should only have to find once… the prefect hairdresser / salon, the perfect restaurant, the perfect shoe store… and the perfect hair brush. I hate buying hair brushes. Seriously. I have big crazy thick sometimes-wavy-sometimes-straight hair that is picky about what goes through it. For years I hunted for a hairbrush that could de-tangle even my most beastly hair days. …and then I found it. The one. My big round hairbrush with perfect bristles. It didn’t hurt when I brushed my hair. It didn’t make my hair staticky. It gave me that shimmery shine that I thought only…
Blogging Space*
You know, it’s bizarre. Life hasn’t been as crazy this past little while yet I feel like I have no time for blogging. I think it is because I no longer have my “blogging space”. Do you ever think about that? About where you blog? I always write at my desk. Always. It’s my “place”. When I don’t have access to my desk it’s like my brain freezes and and my blogging genius (I like to pretend that’s what it is) vanishes. VAMOOSH. As I have been staying with my cousin for the past couple of weeks to finish this placement my desk (and drive to blog) is at home…
My Firsts*
I saw this on Facebook and decided to steal it and do it here as I’ve basically given up on Facebook anyway. (The new ‘Friends’ page–seriously?!?! How can I possibly stalk my friends now? Wait, I mean monitor their every move, not stalk. …that didn’t come out right either.) So, here you are! Feel free to steal it if you’d like to do it on yours, just let me know and I’ll come read. :) 1. Who was your FIRST prom date?My first boyfriend’s (Big Chief) best friend. Haha! I was friends with JT (named after Justin Timberlake for his N’SYNC-like hair) before Big Chief and I started dating, and…