Random Junk*
The Weight Loss Challenge*
So. Two months ago I had a baby. (Surprise!) When you are pregnant and glowy, there is also another side effect: you gain weight. There is no avoiding it, and a healthy weight gain is encouraged to ensure you are having a healthy pregnancy. When you’re pregnant it’s kind of awesome because you tend to allow yourself a few indulgences you might not otherwise eat as it’s all for the good of the baby, amiright? But then you have the baby and the weight hangs around like a jerk. It’s like that annoying coworker, acquaintance or friend who always overstays their welcome but can’t quite take a hint. I’ve gained…
Little Prince: A Birth Story* (Part 2)
All three of my children are napping. In their own beds. AT THE SAME TIME. (*cue hallelujah chorus*) Since I have a few minutes, I thought I would keep plunking down our little Prince’s birth story while everything is still fresh in my mind. After I woke the Hubster, we both began making phone calls. I called Karla (my midwife) at 2:40am. After a brief conversation, she told me she was on her way and encouraged me to make my way to the hospital. I then called my Mom and Dad to let them know–I’m not even sure the phone completed one ring before my mom answered and assured me…
That Time I Got Stuck in a Shirt at Target*
Ah, long weekends. The Hubster decided to take yesterday off to make it an extra long weekend, and we had a wonderful day together as a family. We went for a run, played at a new park we found in our neighbourhood, went swimming, and spent a fortune buying things we probably didn’t need at Costco. Both the kids were tired, and by some happy miracle they were both in bed asleep by 8:30. One of our neighbours came over to visit with the Hubster, so I decided to go do something for myself: I went shopping. When you have kids, going to a store alone is almost as relaxing…
100 Happy Days*
I am so glad that the last two weeks are behind me. I know I posted about Ruby’s experience with Roseola and how hard it hit my little girl. Two days after she finally started feeling herself, I started feeling a little… off. I was extremely irritable on Wednesday and I couldn’t really put a finger on what was causing it. I didn’t feel well when I went to bed, but I chalked it up to exhaustion after a long week of interrupted sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I had a fever… and thus began the worst flu I’ve had in ages. It…
Time Out For Me*
I’ve been thinking about something quite a bit over the last few weeks. I’ve had a really hard time trying to put it into words, so bear with me as I try again now. This year didn’t start off particularly well for me. I had my car accident, Ruby was sick forever, and I finally got another interview at the school I had given my heart to for two years… and then I didn’t get the job. I felt… lost. After enduring a particularly difficult month of January, I accepted that 2013 just wasn’t going to be my year. I could feel that there was something about this year that…