Random Junk*
The One Without a Title*
As much as I love these gorgeous sunny days, I’m so ready for rain. It’s pretty much been 30+ degrees for two weeks straight and my lawn is so brown it’s crispy. I should probably water it… but at the same time I also kinda feel like that’s Mother Nature’s job since my plate is already kinda full with the whole keeping three small humans alive thing. (C’mon, Mama Nature. Let’s get it together here.) Today was a beautiful, busy day. I woke up early and slipped out for a run–this morning I finished Week 8 of my C25K so there’s only ONE run left until it’s finished. I feel…
I Hate Painting Doors*
I am tired. We are in “fix-all-the-things-in-the-house-that-have-been-bugging-us-forever” mode. This week M painted the bathroom ceiling and ripped out all the trim to replace it, so today I decided to tackle two doors that desperately needed to be painted. It seriously took me ALL DAY to get these doors done. There was a lot of sanding a prep work, then each door needed two coats of paint on each side… which meant each side needed to dry before flipping. It was a long, hot day, but thankfully it’s done now. I’m ignoring all the outside cleanup for another few minutes, then it’s time to curl up and watch the second half…
I Went Out Into the World*
It feels like a gloriously lazy summer day. It’s hazy and hot–the kids of weather that makes you move a little more slowly because it’s too warm to want to do anything. I’m currently sitting in a chair in my front lawn, in the last small shady spot that the sun hasn’t claimed yet. I can’t even stretch my feet out all the way… but I don’t mind. As unmotivated as this weather makes me feel, I also kind of love it. I love the warm breeze and the slowness of the afternoon. Miss is S cooling down with her feet in our wee plastic pool–she’s “too big” to want…
I’m Not Broken Anymore*
At the beginning of this year, I sat down and cried my way through this post. I knew my 35th birthday was coming, and I wanted to make some changes. I finally felt ready to make some changes. That’s the thing though, isn’t it. You can make all the grandest plans in the world, but if you’re not really ready for them, it won’t work. It never does for me. It took me a long time to get here, but I am finally learning how to make myself a priority again. I set some goals in that post, but now that it’s been nearly six months, I thought it might…
A Mini Fresh Start*
Happy Canada Day! I love July 1st for two reasons. First, I love having a minute to really focus some extra gratitude for where we live. I know it’s not perfect, and we still have work to do, but its home. It’s beautiful. It’s free. Secondly, for me, I’ve always sort of looked at the calendar year in two halves. The second half officially begins on July 1st, so it’s like a mini-fresh start in the middle of the year. I like that. A friend of mine has been doing this really neat thing each month that I’ve fallen in love with. Instead of having big, grand New Years resolutions…