My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    Quick Update*

    I’m sorry I haven’t been updating every day–it’s been a really busy couple of days! I’ve been studying for my last exam tomorrow (SO EXCITED) and working as well. This week was my last week for my job at the university, but I’ll continue teaching for another couple of weeks. I’m also still on the hunt for a summer job. *sigh* However, I’ve also been working on a project that I’ve wanted to do all year and only just now have had a bit of time to devote to it. I hope to have it completed to share with all of you within the next few days–I promise I’ll let…

  • My thoughts*

    Almost There*

    I’m in the process of trying to complete my last huge undergraduate essay but just can’t seem to get started. I’m nearly dancing knowing that it absolutely has to be done by Monday at 4pm and then I can pretty much kiss university goodbye! I wrote my first exam on Thursday and I don’t think I have even written so much. I wrote non-stop for 2.5 hours and filled two of those little examination booklets, front and back. My hand was so sore that I couldn’t even make a fist for about 15 minutes after I completed the exam, and the indent from the pen on my finger stayed for…

  • My thoughts*


    It finally just hit me that the Hubster and I will be living apart next year… and I don’t even know what to do with myself. I just had a job interview where I was asked if I would be able to work through to frosh week next September to which I answered that I wasn’t sure as it depended on whether or not my current university would stop being jerks and enroll me in TC. As soon as the interview ended I went to the admissions office to plead my case and learned that there was absolutely no possible way I could be accepted, and also that deferment of…

  • My thoughts*,  Exciting News*


    I just finished the first of my two 4th year papers. I hope I never hear the name Mackenzie King again. Ever. So tired. I had my last class as an undergraduate student today. It feels SO bizarre. Annnnd… I got accepted into one of my teacher’s college choices today. :) I find out about the other (the one I REALLY want) in the morning. Wish me luck! I hope your day was lovely. I’m going to sleep now. ha Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*

    And it just keeps coming…

    The sky is vomiting. Again. It started to snow around 2pm this afternoon and it has not let up since. And I’m not talking about little tiny flakes that don’t stay on the ground, I’m talking about Christmas snow–you know, the MASSIVE swirling flakes that cover anything and everything they touch. It is beautiful in December… not so much in late March. There is already about an inch and a half of snow on top of my little table on my balcony just from this afternoon. *sigh* Oh Spring, where art thou? Last year I posted an entry about my love / hate relationship with spring. Even though it isn’t…