My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Jogging Pants Are Not Dress Clothes*

    First things first–a huge THANK YOU to the lovely Karen from A Peek at Karen’s World for featuring me on her blog this week! Go on over and take a peek–I feel special. :) (image found at: Yesterday I made my way into the City to see a live production of The Sound of Music and… oh. It was AMAZING. My family has always loved the Sound of Music, as is evident by our recurring choice of “The Sound of Music” pose for family photos. This is a photo from the movie: (image found at: Annnnnnd my family. haha (Clicking pictures will magically make them bigger and clearer.…

  • My thoughts*

    Daily Rituals*

    I’ve been thinking quite a bit these past few days while I’ve been away from blogging. I had some 24hr stomach bug that left me immobile on my futon with nothing but Nintendo and my thoughts to keep me company… and after I had played enough Mario Kart I got to thinking about our daily rituals, or routines, if you will. Ritual: any practice or pattern of behavior regularly performed in a set manner. Routine: commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical or everyday activity I have a lot of these, and have decided to share some with you. :) Some of…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Goodbye July*

    …helllllloooooo August! **Have you voted in my poll yet? (—>) Well, it certainly started the right way–today was a beautiful, clear 32°C sunny day that made me hope that we might actually see some summer weather before… well, next summer. We have had so much rain and mediocre temperatures that the entire month of July felt more like fall than summer… and who wants to wear their smokin’ new fall attire in July? Not I, says I. It’s been a busyish few days, but here’s a quick recap: Job Search* Well, still no luck on this front as yet. I applied for several more jobs as well as one that…

  • My thoughts*

    Random Ramblings*

    I love old movies. We had a terrible rainstorm this afternoon so I curled up on the couch and began watching Scarlett, the sequel to Gone With the Wind. I often abhor sequels, especially ones that have different actors from the original film, but oh, I heart Scarlett. Mind you, Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh will eternally be Rhett and Scarlett, but Timothy Dalton & Joanne Whalley do a dang fine job in the sequel. There are just some stories that need something more after the last page… Pride & Prejudice, for example. And so I watch. And love. :) — I have a little secret. When I decided I…

  • Weight Tracker*,  My thoughts*,  Goals*

    Shop Girl Gets in Shape [Take: Two]*

    Hi lovelies, Let me just begin by saying thank you for the absolute outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past 24 hours (re: last post). I had no idea so many people felt the same way I do, and it’s kinda nice to know that. :) Anyway, enough of the sap. I Fail Blog’ed after writing that and life was good again. haha! Yesterday I started running again, but this time I ran with a plan. I don’t know about you, but I always find it easy to work out when I am working towards something. Last year I wanted to be a hot bridesmaid for Peeah’s…