My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    Seeing Red — Are Redheads Really Endangered?

    **Have you voted in my poll yet?? ––> (image found at: Apparently I’m on an endangered species list. I recently read a study in the Toronto Star about how redheads are less prominent in society that left me pondering: Are the days of the redhead numbered? Apparently it’s predicted that redheads could be “extinct” within 100 years as redheads are becoming less and less likely to marry another redhead. …really? Well, I guess it’s true. I come from a family of redheads. My hair is the least red of my women in my family–it’s more of an auburn colour with lots of red highlights–and I married a man with…

  • My thoughts*

    Anonymity — What’s the Point?

    (image found at: I’ve been thinking a lot about anonymity lately. When I started this blog nearly 3 years ago I didn’t want ANYONE to know about it. It was just going to be me and my writing. I quickly realized that that was boring… I wanted more. I wasn’t ready to give it all up though, I still needed my “fence”, (oh Wilson, I heart you!) and so, after laboriously searching for my “new identity”, Shop Girl was born. If you’ve ever wondered why I chose that name, I’ve got three words for you–You’ve Got Mail. I have many, many family nicknames that I love, unfortunately signing off…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    Using Cell Phones While Driving – Yay or Nay?

    (image found at: I really don’t write about serious issues very often. I’m more of a “see the world through rose-coloured glasses” kind of person, hence why I write about cute stories, romance, relationships and love. However, there are a few things that I am fiercely passionate (like shoes) that I like to share with you from time to time. Literacy is one of them (I’m an English teacher, so sue me.. haha). Driving with cell phones is another. A week or two ago the Hubs and I were out with Too Kool and due to some traffic we ended up driving along beside the same car for nearly 2…

  • My thoughts*,  My Wedding*

    Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend*

    (image found at: As our wedding anniversary is quickly approaching, I like to dream about things the Hubster might buy me… and this year I can’t stop thinking about diamonds. After all, they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right? Four and half years ago the Hubster got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I saw he had an engagement ring in his hands, but I was too busy saying yes to his beautiful proposal ten times to really get a good look at it. It was much later, after he’d left for the evening, that I really got a chance to meet my…

  • My thoughts*

    Random Tuesday Ramblings*

    I tried so hard to make a vlog for you. SO hard. Alas, it was not to be. I have watched many, many of the vlogs you lovelies have posted though and I hearted them greatly. I WILL do the next one once I get my computer-savvy Hubster to teach me how. :) (vlog = Video Blog for you “non-bloggers” out there) ————– I woke up this morning and realized that somehow it’s already halfway through August. I’m not entirely sure how this happened, but my calender assures me that it is indeed August 18th. Where on earth has this summer gone? Has it flown by for anyone else? I…