My thoughts*
Hockey Night*
I like Saturday nights. Our Saturday night routine may not seem terribly glamorous or exciting to anyone else, but it’s kind of my favourite. Since I went back to work, Saturday has become our “catch-up” day. It’s typically the day that we plow through the mountain of laundry that has accumulated through the week (that I’ve been too tired after work to do), run all our errands, get groceries, and try and clean the house up a little. By 5pm I’m usually completely spent and am ready to put my feet up for the night. Dinners on Saturday are usually pretty simple, then we toss Ruby in the tub and…
The Ear Infection*
What a difference a day can make. My little bean has been sick with a cold for the last two weeks. She was okay at first, then a bad cough took hold and slowed her down for three or four days. The Hubster and I each took a turn taking a day off of work to be with her (and recoup from the cold that we had each caught ourselves) and I ended up in a walk in clinic with her a week ago. I just wanted to have her checked out after a couple of particularly rough nights, but the doctor assured me it was just the mother of…
After the Storm*
So, my last post was a bit of a doozy. When I sat down and started writing, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to say. My emotions and thoughts just poured out, and when I reached the end and reread what I had written, I almost deleted it all. But I’m really glad that I posted it. I’ve had a number of people contact me and tell me that they’ve been feeling / have felt the same way, and it’s been wonderful hearing some of their experiences. For me, writing is very cathartic. It’s usually how I deal with those big things that are bothering me, and then I’m…
Secret Chef*
If you know me in real life, or follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that I’ve become “that” person who reposts all the amazing recipes I see floating around on the interwebs. Sometime in the last year or two I’ve discovered a real love for cooking. When the Hubster and I first got married, my abilities in the kitchen were… limited. I was barely 20 and survived my first year of university by eating pasta and rice. Our financial situation improved somewhat once we added our combined OSAP and his savings into the mix, so I found we actually had money to buy groceries. Which was lovely… except that I…
I Finally Heard*
Well, this morning I finally heard back about my interview last Thursday. That was certainly the longest wait I’ve ever had to wait for a response, and it was as I expected–I didn’t get the job. I was beginning to think that I wouldn’t hear anything at all, which left me a little concerned that I had completely bombed the interview. As in, I was so terrible that the school didn’t even want to waste time calling me to tell me I didn’t have the job. (My imagination is vicious.) Usually when a school calls to tell you that you were not the successful candidate for a position, they can’t get…