My thoughts*

  • Goals*,  Random,  My thoughts*

    100 Happy Days*

    I am so glad that the last two weeks are behind me. I know I posted about Ruby’s experience with Roseola and how hard it hit my little girl. Two days after she finally started feeling herself, I started feeling a little… off. I was extremely irritable on Wednesday and I couldn’t really put a finger on what was causing it. I didn’t feel well when I went to bed, but I chalked it up to exhaustion after a long week of interrupted sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I had a fever… and thus began the worst flu I’ve had in ages. It…

  • My thoughts*,  Le Bebe*,  Baby Boy

    Life With Two*

    Shortly after Peeah gave birth to my handsome nephew three years ago, I asked her how she was managing. For some reason, her response found a tiny shelf in my mind and has stayed put. After telling me everything was good, her answer to my question was simple. She chuckled and said: “Life is busy with two.” I knew that life would get a little more complicated with two kids, but I didn’t understand or appreciate what she really meant until now. I’m pretty sure that the Hubster and I have been blessed with two of the most amazing kids out there. Ruby is smart, funny, and kind and she…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Due Date*

    Well, we actually made it. Based on the way I’ve been feeling over the last few weeks, I really didn’t think we’d get this far. My ultrasounds indicated that my due date could be off, and I was having all kinds of weird symptoms that made me wonder if I would have two children with birthdays in early February. And yet, here we are–February 24th, and for the past several days I’ve felt very little. Lots of movement on his part, but few BH contractions and very little cramping. Which, if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been totally okay with. I know I haven’t written in a few days, and…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Girls’ Night & Olivia Returns*

    We made it! When I finished work on January 31st, several of my coworkers joked that I would likely go into labor before the weekend was through. While I am perfectly happy to welcome our little peanut into our family whenever he chooses to arrive, I was secretly willing him to stay put until today. You see, today is the day that my favourite midwife returns from her month-long leave. When I first contacted her office after learning I was pregnant, I was notified of her scheduled leave. The administrators were a bit puzzled with what to do with me–I knew unequivocally that I wanted Olivia at the birth (if…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    One Month Later*

    Hi again. :) It has been a very busy few weeks, and I am thrilled to finally have a few minutes to sit down and write. Right now I am curled up on the couch in my cozy little house while a snow storm rages outside. And by “curled up” I obviously mean “sprawled out” since my very pregnant belly prevents me from curling up in any shape or fashion. haha It feels nice to relax a little and not have to worry about anything. Friday was my last day of work and I am officially on maternity leave. It was a long, busy final month of work, but as…