My thoughts*

  • Le Bebe*,  My thoughts*

    Seven Months Later*

    Seven months. I think that’s the longest I’ve gone without writing something, somewhere since I was a kid. It was a much needed respite, but I’m feeling that pull again to put my thoughts down somewhere… and despite my increased absences, this little blog still feels like home. So much has happened since August that I’m not even sure where to begin. First of all–our biggest news–I’m pregnant! If you are friends with me on Facebook then this won’t be a surprise, but I’m currently 21 weeks along with our third, and we just found out that it’s a boy. That was a huge surprise for me as I could…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  Running*

    Is it really August?

    I can’t believe that summer is almost over. I feel like I blinked and it went from the end of June to the end of August. I am in serious denial that I have to go back to work in just a few weeks… even more so because at present I don’t have a job. If I am unable to find an LTO I’ll be back on the supply list… a prospect I am not looking forward to. I enjoy supply teaching, but trying to find childcare that will match that schedule is a nightmare. Anyway. It’s been a good summer. I desperately felt like I just needed some time…

  • My thoughts*

    A Farewell to my Twenties*

    Today was my last day of work before a much anticipated (and needed) summer vacation. Today is also the last day of my twenties. When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be 30. I’m not anxious or sad about it, though the idea of entering another decade has made me reflect a little on my life and where I am today. More specifically, on who I am today. My twenties were good to me. In the last ten years, I got married, finished university, lived in two cities, started my career and bought our first car and home. In those years, I figured out what I wanted to do with my…

  • My thoughts*


    A little over two weeks ago I unplugged myself from Facebook. I deactivated my personal account and walked away cold turkey. A few of people have asked me why I chose to get rid of it, and I feel like the old break-up cliche best fits: It’s not you, it’s me. I learn a little bit more about myself with each passing year, and I think I have a bit of an addictive personality and I have trouble doing anything in moderation. As much as I love seeing everyone’s photos and updates, I felt like I was wasting my life away trolling through the newsfeed. I felt like my phone…

  • My thoughts*

    A Sweet Farewell*

    Hello again :) I think this may have been the longest I’ve gone without writing here. I just checked the date of my last post–January 18th. Has it really been three months since I last updated? A lot has happened in those three months, and I regret not writing down my feelings as we went through it. The biggest change is that I ended up going back to work much earlier than anticipated. As the end of my maternity leave approached at the end of January, I decided to extend my leave by 6 weeks so that I could stay home with the kids a little longer. So, when a…