Le Bebe*
34 Weeks* (and a promise)
My, my, my. December 29th already? I’m not sure how the last 4 weeks got away from me, but somehow it’s almost January… the month before we meet the wee-bean. To those of you who are sick of just hearing about my pregnancy updates–I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to let my writing slip to just once a week, it’s just been so insane lately. I wish I could commit to daily writing like I was at the beginning of last year, but between the new job and wee-bean preparations I just can’t do it. …but I can promise to write every day for the rest of my holidays!…
33 Weeks*
How Far Along: 33 Weeks* Size of Baby: A Pineapple Weight Gain: 22 pounds Movement: All. the. time. She loves to move, and thankfully she’s still small enough that it doesn’t bother me at all–in fact, I absolutely love it. There have been a few times when she has wiggled into my ribs and that has been a little uncomfortable, but as she moves so much she never stays in one place for long and usually settles back into a more comfortable position. She’s had the hiccups a few more times since my last post, usually in the middle of the night. Now that I know what it is it’s…
32 Weeks*
How Far Along: 32 Weeks* Size of Baby: A Jicama Weight Gain: 21 pounds Movement: Oh, so much movement! This little wee-bean loves to dance. I usually feel her moving around all day long now, with occasional periods of quiet time where I assume she is sleeping. At my appointment with my midwife this week, she was laughing while she tried to find baby’s heartbeat. She’d locate it, then it would fade away as the baby squirmed and moved away. Eventually she just ended up moving the doppler around my belly trailing after my dancing wee-bean. On Wednesday night I woke up shortly after 4am to use the washroom, and…
31 Weeks*
How Far Along: 31 Weeks* Size of Baby: A Squash Weight Gain: 20 pounds Movement: She is very active first thing in the morning, and she loves to dance in the evenings. These days it feels less like individual kicks, and more like a flurry of movements. Sometimes it feels like she is river dancing, and on Sunday I swore she figured out how to punch dance. Mostly it feels like she is twisting and turning to get into a new position to sleep. At my last appointment with my midwife, she was head down–the way she should be. She still has a bit of room to move around, but…
30 Weeks*
How Far Along: 30 Weeks* Size of Baby: A head of Cabbage Weight Gain: 18.5 pounds Movement: She definitely has a pattern with her movements, and I tend to feel her most first thing in the morning until around 10am, around dinner time, and then again just before I fall asleep. I feel her as she turns and shift positions during the day, but she kicks and dances most at those times. Her kicks are also definitely getting stronger. Today at work she kicked so hard that I gasped out loud in surprise, and the students nearby looked at me and laughed. Cravings: Nothing exciting this week, though I’m having…