
  • Goals*

    Running Again*

    So, I’ve been running a little bit again. I’ve been running as often as I can early in the morning before M leaves for work. It’s always dependent oh how much sleep I’ve had the night before (that’s code for: how much sleep P has given me). The last two weeks haven’t been great as P’s been up late and waking in the night, but putting him in with the big kids seems to be helping a bit. Last night he was asleep before 9 and slept straight through. For the first time in two weeks, I didn’t immediately shut off my running alarm and roll over, desperate for another…

  • Complaining about something*,  Goals*

    Addicted to my Phone*

    I think I’m addicted to my phone. I’ve noticed since Prince Will’s birth that I spend a ridiculous amount of time on it. Part of that is because I’ve been home, and the other (big) part is because that’s what I do to “escape” for a few minutes. You know how it goes… the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone–Facebook, Instagram, email, messenger, Timehop, etc… and there goes 20 minutes. Then it’s off and on throughout the day whenever I need a “break” or I get a notification, and it’s always for longer than I say I will. And then we finally get the kids…

  • Goals*

    My Word for 2018*

    I have made New Years Resolutions since before I could remember. I’m the best at thinking hard about  them, writing them all out, and going full-out to achieve them… for about three weeks. Then they tend to be pushed aside or forgotten until it’s time to make new resolutions the following year and I resolve to be even better at the resolutions I failed at. (vicious, vicious cycle.) Last year I went a different route and tried something new. Instead of making a list of resolutions, I chose one word that would be my goal for the year… and I tried to incorporate it into my daily life. My word…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*,  Weight Tracker*

    Weight Loss Patience*

    Losing weight has never been easy for me. I’m not saying it’s a walk in the park for everyone else, but I know there is a group of people who seem to be able to stay focused and determined once they decide to lose weight. They buckle down, do what they need to and keep their eye on the prize. I know a few of them, and I’m always so impressed that they look SO GOOD just a few weeks after having a baby. I’m in the other camp watching in frustrated awe… eating a McCain Deep and Delicious cake, wondering why I’m not losing weight. My problem is this:…

  • Goals*

    Paleo(ish) Trial – Week One Review*

    I did it!! I made it to the end of my Paleo(ish) trial week. And you know what? It was SO much easier than I expected, and I enjoyed it so much more than I ever thought I would. I’ll be honest, there were a few things I was worried about before I began–the time it would take to prepare the meals, whether or not the food would be gross, what the sugar & carb cravings / withdrawal would be like, and more than anything, whether or not I would get bored of it after two days. Well, I can happily say that all my fears were completely unfounded. It…