Complaining about something*

  • Complaining about something*,  Baby Boy

    38 Weeks & New Pregnancy Symptoms*

    Oh lovelies, it’s been a rough couple of days. I’m approximately 12 days away from my due date (if it’s correct–it’s been in dispute) and I’ve had a few new pregnancy symptoms crop up. On Monday I began my second week of maternity leave and went about my usual (albeit slowed down) routine. I did a bit of cleaning, had a rest with Ruby, and continued organizing what will be the new baby’s room. When the Hubster got home from work, he played with Ruby so I could throw dinner in the oven. As we sat down to eat, I noticed my peripheral vision seemed a little off and I…

  • Le Bebe*,  Complaining about something*,  Gratitude*

    A December to Remember*

    Oh, December. What a month you turned out to be. I can honestly say that almost nothing turned out the way I planned  or expected, but as things almost always do–it all worked out in the end. Let’s take a look back, shall we? December rolled in and we found ourselves scrambling to finish our bathroom and get the house decorated before the Hubster’s mom came for a visit. It was a bit of a mad rush trying to balance work + house projects + pregnancy + toddler, but we got it all done and enjoyed a wonderful visit with his mom. Then the Hubster got sick. In the eight…

  • Complaining about something*,  Teaching*

    A Rant About Subsitute Teachers*

    My lovelies, I am annoyed. Actually, I was more annoyed on Thursday and meant to write all about it then, but this weekend has been such a busy blur that I haven’t even turned on my computer until right now. This pregnancy has been a little harder on me than my first. Aside from a little heartburn, carrying Ruby was a breeze. This tiny peanut has been a different experience. I have awful back pain, and I am not sleeping well most nights. Last Wednesday I woke up after a particularly rough night and knew I needed to take a day. I had a headache and was really not feeling…

  • Complaining about something*,  Le Bebe*

    Feeling a Little Cheeky*

    Ruby had a much better night last night. She still woke up several times, but I only had to hold her / rock her back to sleep once, and I was able to spend the entire night in my own bed. Her lovely antibiotics seem to be doing the trick, and I feel like we are inching back toward her regular sleep habits. So, when this morning dawned bright and sunny, I was looking forward to enjoying day #2 of my holidays. I had a billion errands I wanted to run, and I have house projects up the wazoo I would love to finish. After I rolled out of bed…

  • Complaining about something*

    Catching Up on Sleep*

    Remember that happy place I was in after family reunion on Saturday? When I was so excited to go back and see my family / eat more food again the next day? Ugh. When we got home after the reunion, Ruby was tired out. We played quietly for a little while, then she crashed at 8:30 and went out like a light. She didn’t make a peep. Until 2am. When she woke up and decided she was ready to do family reunion all over again. Normally when she wakes up at night I just keep all the lights off and let her play quietly in her bed until she goes…