Complaining about something*

  • Complaining about something*,  Goals*

    Addicted to my Phone*

    I think I’m addicted to my phone. I’ve noticed since Prince Will’s birth that I spend a ridiculous amount of time on it. Part of that is because I’ve been home, and the other (big) part is because that’s what I do to “escape” for a few minutes. You know how it goes… the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone–Facebook, Instagram, email, messenger, Timehop, etc… and there goes 20 minutes. Then it’s off and on throughout the day whenever I need a “break” or I get a notification, and it’s always for longer than I say I will. And then we finally get the kids…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  Le Bebe*

    Velcro Babies and Sweet Dance Moves*

    Every time I think I’ve found my rhythm, life happens and it takes me a few days to readjust. My little prince has been refusing naps and is only calm and sleepy when I am walking / bouncing laps around my main floor. My shoulder hurts and my back is killing me, but between my walk this morning and all my pacing, I hit 16000 steps today! Win! I know it’s just another phase and it will pass–today was better than yesterday, and I’m hoping this has just been another growth spurt. At this point I’m fairly positive that I am raising a hulk child… he is easily as big…

  • Complaining about something*,  Baby Boy

    Things I’m Looking Forward To*

    Yesterday was a bit of a challenging day for me. It started off so lovely, then Hank had meltdown after meltdown and by 1:30pm I was exhausted and passed out of my bed. I never nap anymore… for the most part I find it just isn’t worth it. When I nap I never sleep well at night, but after three nights of interrupted sleep (Hank’s version of helping me prepare for the bebe) I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I paid for it later as I tossed and turned for an hour at bedtime but those glorious, peaceful, meltdown-free 90 minutes I napped were worth it. My energy just isn’t…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*,  Running*

    Is it really August?

    I can’t believe that summer is almost over. I feel like I blinked and it went from the end of June to the end of August. I am in serious denial that I have to go back to work in just a few weeks… even more so because at present I don’t have a job. If I am unable to find an LTO I’ll be back on the supply list… a prospect I am not looking forward to. I enjoy supply teaching, but trying to find childcare that will match that schedule is a nightmare. Anyway. It’s been a good summer. I desperately felt like I just needed some time…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    A Little Frazzled*

    I’ve been feeling a little frazzled lately. Ruby has been a little under the weather for the past few days. I don’t think it was anything serious, but she had a bit of a fever and she was very snuggly. My poor little bean was either on my lap or on my heels for much of the last 48 hours.  Hank has also been up quite a bit at night as he just cut his second tooth, so my lack of sleep + their neediness during the day has left me feeling a bit frayed around the edges. My house also seems to be in a perpetual state of chaos…