Baby Boy

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    Girls’ Night & Olivia Returns*

    We made it! When I finished work on January 31st, several of my coworkers joked that I would likely go into labor before the weekend was through. While I am perfectly happy to welcome our little peanut into our family whenever he chooses to arrive, I was secretly willing him to stay put until today. You see, today is the day that my favourite midwife returns from her month-long leave. When I first contacted her office after learning I was pregnant, I was notified of her scheduled leave. The administrators were a bit puzzled with what to do with me–I knew unequivocally that I wanted Olivia at the birth (if…

  • Baby Boy

    Another Day Down*

    Another day down and this wee babe is still cozy in my belly. Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant, according to my original due date. It’s looking more and more like he will be arriving closer to the 24th, which I am perfectly okay with. Olivia returns on Wednesday (yay!) and every day I am able to check a few more things off of our bebe to-do list. Our new room in the basement is so close to being finished. The floors are in, walls are painted and baseboards are up–we just need to finish the trim around the window, put up the crown molding and hang some type…

  • Complaining about something*,  Baby Boy

    38 Weeks & New Pregnancy Symptoms*

    Oh lovelies, it’s been a rough couple of days. I’m approximately 12 days away from my due date (if it’s correct–it’s been in dispute) and I’ve had a few new pregnancy symptoms crop up. On Monday I began my second week of maternity leave and went about my usual (albeit slowed down) routine. I did a bit of cleaning, had a rest with Ruby, and continued organizing what will be the new baby’s room. When the Hubster got home from work, he played with Ruby so I could throw dinner in the oven. As we sat down to eat, I noticed my peripheral vision seemed a little off and I…

  • Baby Boy

    My First Day of Mat Leave*

    Today was my first official day of maternity leave. I wish I could tell you that I went out and did something terribly exciting, but I stayed home and did something terribly exciting instead. I snugged my bean. Pretty much all day. We normally have a good snuggle in the morning before work, but I always have to cut it short and close my eyes (and heart) to her sad face as I put her down and bundle her into her coat and boots. Her eyes were only sad for a minute as she loved daycare once she got there, but seeing that “Mummy, why?” in her eyes when I…

  • My thoughts*,  Baby Boy

    One Month Later*

    Hi again. :) It has been a very busy few weeks, and I am thrilled to finally have a few minutes to sit down and write. Right now I am curled up on the couch in my cozy little house while a snow storm rages outside. And by “curled up” I obviously mean “sprawled out” since my very pregnant belly prevents me from curling up in any shape or fashion. haha It feels nice to relax a little and not have to worry about anything. Friday was my last day of work and I am officially on maternity leave. It was a long, busy final month of work, but as…