Kids,  My thoughts*

I Had a Nap Today*

After a string of super busy weekends, we finally had a glorious home day. M took the kids to ringette this morning, but I didn’t even leave the house and it was so lovely. I can’t seem to kick this cold, so P and I enjoyed a quiet morning, then this afternoon I shoved all the laundry waiting to be folded onto M’s side, then crawled into bed and had a nap.

I was so cozy underneath my duvet and all our clean laundry. I could have happily stayed buried there all day, but there is a gaggle of small people who live here who like to be fed and entertained from time to time.

(But they also give good snugs so it balances out.)

After my nap I decided to bite the bullet and start one of my least favourite chores: the seasonal clothes swap. Every summer and every winter I have to drag out new totes of clothes for the kids to see what fits and what doesn’t. It’s always a huge process that involves a fashion show with each kid as they try on items, then I have the lovely task of sorting clothes into piles for drawers, storage and donation. There are currently mountains of clothes upstairs that I am absolutely ignoring. If the light is off and I can’t see them, then they’re not really there, right?


In other news, I found a pair of slippers for P in his closet tonight and decided to try them on to see if they fit. They are still a size or two too big, but once he saw them he was not letting them go. If you’re wondering if I got them off his feet at bedtime, the answer is:



He’s pretty cute though.


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