Random Junk*

The Shoe Count*

(via: http://shoesaremyweakness.blog.bg/photos/72487/original/mc007a.jpg)

While I was at book club last week, my fabulous ladies and I started talking about my favourite subject: shoes.

I can’t remember how or why it came up as we discussed Jane Eyre, but an interesting idea came forth from it. One of the girls asked me how many pairs of shoes I actually own, and I realized that I don’t know.

Not only do I not know, I have absolutely no idea.

In the days before I met the Hubster–when I was a student at Ghetto U–I was a die hard shoe-a-holic. At my peak, I owned 100 pairs of shoes. I had worked at a shoe store for the two years previous to my heading off to school, and I took full advantage of my staff discount.

When we moved to Senior’s City after we got married, I slowly gave away many pairs of my beloved shoes as I simply didn’t have opportunities to wear them. I estimate that over the course of 4 years I probably purged 30 – 40 pairs of shoes.

When we moved to our little apartment here in Pretty City, closet space was very tight. In order to get the most out of my shoes, I downsized and stored them by season, and only kept out certain pairs at certain times of the year. As I was only able to see/use a limited number at a time, it made it difficult to have an accurate guess at my shoe numbers.

I know for a fact that my numbers are up since I’ve started thrift shopping. It’s much easier for me to say YES to shoes when they only cost me $5 (not that I have ever had much trouble saying yes to a pair of shoes…haha).

So, when I realized that I couldn’t even guess how many pairs I have, I decided that it’s time to count them. I’m going to count every pair of footwear I own and see where I end up.

Now here’s the fun part:

How many pairs do you think I have?

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